เปิดแอป Webfic เพื่ออ่านเนื้อหาอันแสนวิเศษเพิ่มเติม

Chapter 5

I sit and pay attention as we eat from the breakfast buffet; the business merger sounds promising and I take key point notes on things he will want to recap. I listen intently to them thrash through proposals and possibilities with enthusiasm and can see that these men are genuine friends. They have a rapport you can only find between men who know each other well. Sarcasm and banter interlaced with business talk. Jake is one of the 'guys' when he's around Daniel. I can't help but notice as I've been sitting cross legged that Daniel Hunter has not concealed his open appraisal of me, his eyes following my legs and arms intrusively as Jake outlines some points of business. He makes my skin crawl and I'm doing my best to ignore him. I catch Jake glance my way a couple of times, with an unreadable expression before he looks back at his friend. I look up occasionally from note taking and am intrigued with the differences between them. The friendship seems genuine, but I don't see the connection and it interests me. The way Jake just occupies a space, effortlessly cool and sprawled out; he always looks so laid back and comfortable in all surroundings, even at work. Right now, his feet, crossed at the ankles are on the low coffee table, he's sitting low down in the armchair like an adolescent with his forearms resting on the arms of the chair. His head nuzzled in the cushioned back, yet he still has an air of capability and command; he's just so at ease and still. I guess he's always been comfy in his own skin and probably had adoring girls throwing themselves at him from a very early age. A blessed life that instilled this self-assurance. Daniel, on the other hand, is more hyperactive and fidgety. Sitting straight up on the couch and leaning forward away from the back. He moves a lot when he talks and behaves over energetically when his interest is peaked. I wonder if he's a firm member of the "Charlie" culture among the rich and famous. Cocaine use is common; I've seen a lot of it in the ladies' bathrooms at the Carrero glitzy parties, events, and promotions. I glance at Jake wondering if he's someone who uses it too and get a heavy ache in my chest. I hope he's not; I've always had zero tolerance to drug use. When we're done Jake stands and stretches out, revealing a tiny inch of the naked toned abdomen at his jeans waistband and it takes all my strength not to inhale sharply. I'm beyond mortified at my own reaction but hide it well. I've seen naked before. I'm no virgin and I'm pissed at myself for the stupid reactions I have to this man. He brings out such adolescent responses in me. Although … that abdomen is worth an ogle! "I'll work out the finer points, Daniel and we'll meet again. Next time more formally to discuss this further." He shakes Daniel's hand and they hug in a very "Bromance" way. Nice. Male bonding over stabbing your fathers in the back. How admirable. "Dude, we on for a drinking session when I get back?" "You need to ask?" Jake jokes as they stand a foot apart. "Yeah, guess you need your wing man to help you pick up on the pretties. You're pretty useless solo." Daniel laughs and pushes Jake in the arm playfully. "We both know I'm the one with the moves, women just like your pretty boy smile and fat wallet, Princess." Jake pinches his cheek and is rewarded with Daniel's middle finger. The humor is evident. Daniel turns to me with a sideways crooked smile and a glint of sleaze in his eye. I steel against an eye roll and remain impassive under his scrutiny, standing up slowly and pulling my bag to my side. Trying to stay invisible. "Emma, it was really nice to meet you. I'm sure Jake would let me take you out to dinner." He smiles my way. Does he realize his slinky, sexual, bored woman is ten feet away lounging on a couch and watching a movie on her iPad? My skin crawls. "I wouldn't let you anywhere near her, Hunter! I know your MO remember." Jake cuts in smoothly and easily between us, saving me from a refusal. His tone is light. "Bro?" Daniel frowns with mock shock, holding a hand to his chest as though he's deeply wounded. "Forget it … I wouldn't let you near her with anyone else's, let alone yours." Jake's still joking, but there's a slight edge to his voice now. He's serious. "I forgot you don't mess with the staff." Daniel laughs smugly. I miss whatever look passes between them as Jake stands in front of me. "I don't mess with good girls—Period." Jake turns, throws me a cavalier wink and my heart stops mid-beat. He thinks I'm a good girl? What does that even mean? Boring, uptight? What's wrong with good girls? "Amen to that!" Daniel cuts in and both men high five in a show of male camaraderie. This time I don't quell the urge to eye roll and catch Jake grinning back at me. I experience a swell of relief as he turns, placing a hand on the small of my back to guide me out. Signaling this is done. It's the first time skin contact has been acceptable between us as he heads me out of the room, along the hall, and finally to the row of gold colored elevators leaving Daniel behind in the room to do whatever with his date. "I'm sorry I answered for you," Jake glances at me in the elevator. There's an apologetic downturn to one eyebrow that's kind of cute. "I just don't think any good would come from dating Daniel Hunter … I know him too well." The look of conviction and honesty is endearing. "I don't want to date Daniel Hunter." I smile tightly, suddenly warm and a little claustrophobic but also deadly serious. Daniel is a creep. Why does he have this knack of tilting me off keel? I don't like it. "He's bad news with women." He frowns at me, watching me closely and I have to look away for a second to stop the rise of heat running up inside of me and showing on my face. "Bit like you then?" I smirk and catch the full width of that jaw-dropping smile from the corner of my eye. It's unexpected and makes me smile too. "I'm not bad news for women … I know how to treat them, whereas Daniel does not. He's a typical playboy, he doesn't care whose feelings he hurts." Irony. He slips an arm around me, pulling me in against him, shielding me as we leave the elevator amid more flashes and clicks. This time I anticipate it and am more relaxed about the contact. I keep my eyes on the floor and try not to react to him, which is hard, considering he has me pressed very securely to that muscular frame and it's not exactly unpleasant. He feels solid. Outside I look up, blinking harshly as the sun glares cruelly at us and I lift my hand to shield my eyes. He slides his shades from his head onto my face in such a fluid movement that I'm taken by surprise and don't react. He registers nothing on his face, just guides me to our car as it pulls up and he deposits me in the back before following me in. I suddenly get a little inkling of how the women he dates must feel; he's attentive and in control, with great manners. He's a gentleman. Pretty surprising for a guy who loves himself. Very smooth, Carrero, unexpectedly smooth. I hand them back in the dark confines of the car and he pushes them back on top of his head with a smile. A nothing but thanks kind of soft grin. "Back to the office?" I enquire, clutching my briefcase to offload my notepad. Glad to be back in here and back to normal territory. "Not yet. I've some things to do and I figure we could use the bonding time. Margo agreed we should get better acquainted." He looks out the window as we move off, watching the photographers fall back with disinterest. Tinted windows concealing us fully. "Why? I'm only your PA." I'm surprised and too quick verbally to curb my stupid question. I know I should never quiz the boss. "And that job entails a lot more than typing, Emma. I know you're used to working for the execs on the lower floors, but I've certain tasks that my staff undertake. It's why I took you on a recommendation and didn't just dip into the temp pool." He studies my face seriously. "Tasks? Beyond those of a PA?" I ask carefully. Being obtuse and cursing myself for it. "You'll accompany me on business trips, dinners and such. Sometimes I prefer my PA to an actual date. Less hassle. Your being unmarried and having no kids are part of the reason Margo singled you out from the list. She recognizes that you're career oriented and like to go above and beyond for your position." Above and beyond? What the hell does that mean? "List?" I query instead, trying to not mull over the fact he sometimes replaces dates with his PA. Trying not to read anything into what he just said. "There were more than thirty employees recommended for your role." "I'm not surprised. I guess this was a job worthy of fighting over." I blanche realizing just how lucky I was to get picked. Of course, there would have been a list; every woman this side of Manhattan would want to work for Jake Carrero. Work with him closely, very closely indeed. "You'll soon get sick of the flights and hotels, Emma. I practically live out of a suitcase." He sighs and once again finds that something with the toe of his boot at the door to start pushing. It's oddly juvenile. "I will?" The thought is a little exciting; I long to travel, long to experience things beyond New York. I've been waiting on it. "Margo has a husband and family; she can't be my chaperone anytime I need her. She's missed out on so much of her kids' lives." He looks genuinely guilty about this. "Now her husband is retiring, and I think she feels it's time to rekindle her marriage. So, she took the opportunity to find a more suitable assistant. Natalia has already decided that on her return, she won't return to my office. She wants to offload some of her responsibilities and concentrate on family." He throws me another disarming smile. "Not everyone can handle the intensity of this job, Emma … Or the hours, and once you're ready to move up to Margo's position, we'll find someone else to work under you." He stops with the fidgeting and rests his focus on me once more. "I hope I don't disappoint. I aim to work my butt off," I say, honestly, starting to relax in his presence and somehow seeing a new side to him after this little encounter. Time alone has made me a little less intimidated by him. He's human after all. "Over the last couple of days, I've been observing you; trying to find out if we're compatible enough to have the same kind of working relationship that I have with Margo." "And?" I'm surprised by this. "You're still my PA, aren't you?" He smiles warmly, that devastating natural smile of his that has the ability to curl toes and leave you fanning yourself. "Early days, Mr. Carrero." I smile back, a little bit of my relaxed humor seeping into my tone, feeding from his casual atmosphere for once. "Reading people is a gift of mine. I recognize ability. I think once you relax and thaw a little, we'll get on fine. Your skills are on point, you follow instruction and you take initiative." I'm stunned. I don't know why his praise shocks me. I know how hard I work; I know how good I am. I guess I'm shocked that he even noticed and verbalized it. He seems too relaxed to sharply watch people. I guess it's another of his hidden skills; a silent observer who is very good at hiding it. "Margo aims to hand over to you eventually … I want to make the transition smooth, so she has no reason to backtrack. Margo deserves her retirement." I pick up on the affection in his face. I don't think I've ever seen that kind of connection between co-workers that wasn't sex based. It's sweet, I guess. "I'm sure I won't disappoint her," I shrug quietly, eyes on him and a soft smile crosses my lips. A genuine one. "You need to learn to relax around me." "If you're implying I adopt your casual posture and manner, then I don't think the transition will go as smoothly as you want." with an edge of seriousness in my tone, I want him to understand that I'll never be as lax as Margo in our work relationship. He just grins at me, all white straight teeth, and chiseled handsomeness. Self-assured and smug. Annoyingly so.

© Webfic, สงวนลิขสิทธิ์