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โดย: Webfic


Gary hated this realm. It was a prison of memories, each one a shard of glass digging into his heart. He had vowed to leave it behind, to scorch it from his existence—and now he had. This realm was now engulfed in flames, the fire so intense it seemed to devour everything in its path. And in the center of it all was Gary, holding the dying form of his firebird, his once-mighty companion. The bird's feathers, which once burned with life, now flickered weakly, mirroring the extinguishing light in Gary's soul. The firebird was no ordinary creature; it was a mythical being that only those of the zamuda lineage could bond with. Gary was one of them, a pureblood zamuda with royal heritage flowing through his veins. The bond between a zamuda and his firebird was sacred, their fates intertwined. If the firebird was dying, it meant Gary's life was also at risk—but that was the last thing on his mind. Gary would welcome death; it had already taken everything that mattered to him. His mate, his daughter—gone. What was left for him now? An empty shell of a life, filled only with a gnawing pain that never ceased. But as he looked around at the inferno he had unleashed, a bitter question gnawed at him: Would this change anything? Would burning this realm to ashes, reducing everyone and everything to nothing, bring him peace? Or was this just another futile act of rage? The firebird took its last breath, its body going still in Gary's arms. He was surrounded by flames, the heat so intense that it kept everyone at bay—even his most trusted companion, Canan. Gary had slaughtered countless innocent beings, driven by a wrath he couldn't control, and there was nothing left of his soul worth saving. It was just a matter of time before he joined the bird in death, consumed by the flames he had ignited. He was the white zamuda, the most powerful shifter to walk this earth. Killing him was no easy task, yet here he was, on the brink of death. "Is this truly what you want?" A voice, soft but resolute, cut through the roar of the flames. Gary looked up, his eyes narrowing as the last person he wanted to see appeared before him. A woman, radiant and ethereal, stood amidst the fire. Her long hair, adorned with a crescent moon crown, cascaded down her back. Her golden dress shimmered against the backdrop of flames, but the fire didn't touch her. Not a single strand of her hair was singed, her body glowing with a serene, moonlit aura. She was Gina, the goddess of the moon. "Gary…" Gina's voice was laced with disappointment, her words striking like a cold wind against his burning anger. "You have followed in the footsteps of those before you, making the same tragic mistakes." Gary let out a harsh laugh as he laid the firebird on the scorched ground. He glared at Gina with eyes burning as red as the flames around him. "Don't you dare speak to me of mistakes, goddess," he spat. "If you had come sooner, none of this would have happened. You left me no choice." "No one forced you to do anything, Gary," Gina replied, her voice steady, unyielding. "YOU TOOK MY FAMILY! DON'T PRETEND YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'VE DONE!" Gary roared, his fury erupting like a volcano. But Gina remained calm, her gaze unwavering. "You failed them, Gary," she said quietly. "And now, you have broken the sacred laws of this realm." Gary's laughter rang out again, but this time it was hollow, devoid of any real mirth. "So, you're going to punish me for feeling pain? For lashing out because my heart is shattered?" "I will punish you," Gina said, her tone sorrowful yet firm, "because you have slaughtered millions of innocent beings." "They deserved it," Gary snarled, though even he knew it was a lie. None of those people deserved the wrath he had unleashed. He had simply wanted to inflict as much pain as possible, hoping it might ease his own torment. But nothing had changed. The agony remained, a beast that gnawed at his insides. And if he were to choose again, nothing would be different. He would still walk this path of destruction. "You know the truth, Gary,"Gina said, as if reading his thoughts. "Deep down, you know." Gary clenched his fists, his knuckles turning white. "Then do it," he growled. "Punish me. Tear my heart out, rip it to shreds. Kill me however you see fit. I don't care anymore." Gina shook her head slowly. "Death is too simple. It's life that holds true punishment." Her words struck a chord deep within Gary, echoing the belief that had kept him alive this long. Death was an escape, a release from the suffering. But life—life was the real torture, an endless cycle of pain and loss. "You will return to the moment you first met your mate," Gina said, her voice heavy with sorrow. "You will fall in love with her all over again, and you will watch her die once more. That will be your punishment, Gary." The words hit him like a hammer. The scornful smile that had twisted his lips vanished, leaving behind a stunned expression. He forgot to breathe, his heart pounding in his chest. He would meet Xina again? Be with her, hold her, touch her? The thought alone made his mind spin, drowning out the part where Gina had mentioned that he would have to watch her die again. That he would have to relive the agony he was in now. Was it worth it? Was it worth the inevitable torment to see her face once more? It didn't matter. The decision was not his to make. ================================ When Gary opened his eyes again, the searing heat of the flames had been replaced by the warmth of daylight. The scent of flowers filled the air, a stark contrast to the acrid smoke of the inferno. Sunlight filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows that danced on the ground. For a moment, he felt a strange sense of calm, as if the nightmare had been nothing more than a bad dream. But then the familiarity hit him, a spark of energy that tingled across his skin. He knew this feeling, this sensation. He didn't need to look to know who was in his arms. His whole body trembled as he finally opened his eyes, and there she was—Xina, her long, dark hair spilling over her shoulders. The sight of her, so real and alive, sent a shiver through him. This was her scent, the scent he had memorized, the one that had haunted him for so long. The scent of his mate. With shaking hands, Gary reached out to touch her, his fingers grazing her bare shoulder. The sunlight played on her skin, making it glow with a soft, milky light. She was here. She was real. But she shouldn't be. She should be dead. Gary couldn't wrap his mind around what was happening. Was this truly a second chance? Or was it just the beginning of his punishment? As these thoughts churned in his mind, Xina stirred in his arms. Her eyes fluttered open, and the first sound she made was a soft whimper. Gary's heart twisted as he remembered what he had done to her last night…

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