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Sin and sacrifice'Sin and sacrifice'
โดย: Webfic


Maggie's pov The music booming from the invisible speakers immediately eased my nerves. I just clocked eighteen and my parents had permitted me to have a good night. Whatever that meant. My two best friends, Vanessa and Mirabel were already dancing and I realized it was time to join them. I was the birthday girl after all? Smiling broadly I was suddenly in a very good mood. Maggie, you just turned eighteen and life is mostly good. I told myself as I moved my body to the music. Vanessa and Mirabel soon joined me and we went one, two steps clapped, shook our butts, and twirl in that other. We were soon laughing and I knew it was not a mistake coming to this place.? I swayed my waist and threw my hands in the air as I wiggled my waist from side to side while singing along. I was screaming at the top of my voice and smiling. I was young and free and healthy. 'These are the days that never die. The days I'll look back to in the future so if I don't live now when will I live". I said to myself as I got more and more into the party mood.? A couple of other songs came up and we were ready to get a drink and chill before dancing again.? 'That was amazing, Goodness where did all that energy come from?" Vanessa asked as we took our seat at the far end of the club, which was directly opposite the entrance. We chose that seat to ogle fine men and giggle. Can't blame us though. It was like the goddess chose to unleash very hotly, strong, charming, and oozing strong sex appeal male wolves and placed them only in our pack. We were just admiring her handiwork if you ask me. Because she did amazingly well.? We ordered a bottle of Baileys and soon we were drinking and talking about nonessential things.? ?I was midway through chugging my glass content when suddenly a group of very fine guys found their way into the club. They were four of them in total, three of them being guys and the last, a girl that looked slightly older than me.? 'Guys look at your four o'clock slowly" I whispered.? ?'Tell me those are Greek gods because since I was born I've not seen such good-looking men" Vanessa said and I affirmed by nodding my head.? 'Except in books and k-dramas," I added? 'Fucking hell! Now I want to get laid" Mirabel said? 'That's stale news my dear" I added and we all laugh? 'But seriously they are beautiful, all three of them. Do you think they are single? Is that girl their girlfriend?" I asked as I turned to stare one more time. I locked eyes with the hottest one of them and I froze as he stared at me and winked. Holy fucking shit. He winked? I looked away when began to pound? 'Darrrrrrrrn it!" I slurred as the girls looked at me confused? 'What's going on?" Mirabel asked? 'One of the guys caught me looking and winked at me," I said, using my hand to hit my forehead, feeling so silly.? 'Maggie is about to get laid. Maggie is about to get laid." Mirabel said in a sing-song voice? 'Please shut up, I'm not going to get laid," I said while blushing.? 'I think you should. You are eighteen and a virgin!" Vanessa admonished.? 'I'm not ready"? 'If you say so, but dude if any of those men tell me to get down on my knees tonight. I'll do that without thinking twice" Vanessa added while slowly sipping her drink? I pretend gasped and added 'you hoe" while laughing out loud? 'Yes, yes, a friend of a hoe" Vanessa said trying to be smug? I stood to go get us another bottle of Baileys when my eyes spotted the one person I have been avoiding for months.? ?Athens!? Athens was my boyfriend who cheated on me on his birthday. I broke up with him after and I've been avoiding him ever since.? I turned and tell the girls? 'Athens is here"? 'Where?" Mirabel asked confused? 'He is at the bar talking to the bartender" I whispered sitting back because I couldn't bump into him, didn't want to, didn't pray to.? They turned and saw him and the f word flew out of their mouths.? ?I suddenly felt this strong urge to use the restroom so I excused myself.? 'Let me use the restroom, I'll join you guys in a few," I said as I made my way to the restroom. I used the time there to calm my beating heart as I assured myself that I'd be fine and that Athens wouldn't disturb me. I washed my hand and scooped a little water and splashed it on my face. I breathed in and out trying to regain my confidence. I stepped out and boom a strong hand grabbed my waist from behind me.? Without looking at the intruder my heart started pounding again. I knew the cologne- the scent was all too familiar because I was the one that bought it. I turned and came face to face with the very person I'd prayed and hoped I wouldn't cross paths with tonight ever again, Athens.? I smile and mustering all the courage I could afford I say? ?'Hi Athens, long time no see," I said trying to sound as casual and unbothered as possible.? But the truth was, I didn't know how to react.? ?What do you say to someone who cheated on you??? Seeing Athens reminded me of finding him in bed with another girl from our school, Nelly, my sworn enemy. Yes, he hurt me but I've decided to let it go. He wasn't worth the love I gave him and as I looked at him, I asked myself what I even saw in him. Standing here with him, there was nothing I wanted more than to leave his presence and go dance.? 'Maggie. Baby, I've missed you. I want you back into my life" he said as he suddenly pinned me to the wall of the restroom.? 'Athens, please. I'm not in the mood for this. Let me go, we can talk some other time just not today. I'm not in the mood" I said, trying to wiggle myself out of his hold and inhaling the stench of alcohol. Jeez, he was drunk. I needed to be careful and since I didn't have my shift yet, I couldn't rely on my wolf to help me fight, not to mention that Athens's wolf was known to be one of the most notorious wolves in the pack.? 'Maggie, I'm not letting you go. Forgive me, please. I'm good for you. Babe, we were good together‐I promise I'll treat you right this time. Nelly was just a fling. She wasn't even worth it" he said and something in me snapped and I was suddenly angry.? 'Just a fling, Athens can you hear yourself?? We had a good thing going and you just had to ruin it with a fling so please don't bug me because I can't go back to you. We are over"? 'What are you so angry about, huh? You weren't exactly available to be fucked. All you could ever offer were short foolish kisses and I wanted more" a pang of guilt crushed heavily on my heart at the realization that I was at fault. Even though I told him from the very beginning that I was not ready to have sex. I was about to ask him all the questions I had bottled up for him, finally feeling the courage to talk to him after all these months of hiding but the next sentence that flew out of his mouth had me frozen with time.? 'You made me lose a lot of money, did you know? The guys won the bet because no matter how I pressed, you'd never let me fuck that tight cunt of yours"? 'Fuck you, Athens," I said as I wiggled out of his hold and try walking away. I tried to push the tears trying to fall from my eyes back.? I wouldn't give him the extra pleasure. I used the back of my hands to clean my face as I tried to walk out fast.? Athens suddenly dragged me back, I was so caught up in my head I didn't know he was already close. He pushed me in-between his hands as he backed me to the wall trying to kiss me as I struggled blindly.? The place was empty and the music was so loud that no one would hear me if I screamed. A thousand and one things ran through my head all leading to him raping or molesting me. If only I had my wolf, I'd have mind-linked someone. I felt my body go weak after many failed attempts to get him off me. My heart broke into pieces as I cried hard and gave up, accepting my fate.? Suddenly I couldn't feel him on me, I opened my eyes and I saw someone punching Athens and saying something I couldn't hear.? He took two steps and he was standing in front of me. I closed my eyes confused and opened them to the greenest eyes I've ever seen. 'Are you okay?" He asked but I stared at his form confused until I realized he was talking to me.? 'I'm fine, thanks for..." I stopped as I looked at Athens who was on the floor writhing in pain.? 'Thanks for helping" I mumbled trying to smile? 'Pleasure is all mine" his voice sounded so manly, throaty, and husky that kneel and buckled in immediately. I wasn't done drowning in his eyes and he had to make me go weaker with his voice too? Damn! He stepped closer and I noticed him to be the sex god that shot me a wink earlier. I drank him, he was nothing short of 6.5ft max, and he had the darkest shade of black hair I've seen. His brow was full and pretty so I fought the urge to run my finger through them. Goodness, his lips… I broke out of ogling him when he spoke again 'You need to be careful" he said as he stretched his hand to smoothen my hair sending shivers down my spine.? 'And I usually am careful. I was just caught unawares Athens is my ex" I breathed trying to sound unaffected by his god-like appearance.? 'Oh I see," he said not sounding convinced at all so I add? 'I had the situation perfectly under control"? 'You did, I could see it" he added laughing and I joined him finally releasing the breath I was holding.? I liked him immediately, he was easy to talk to. We walked back to the party and he led me to the dance floor. I looked around and I couldn't spot my friends or his. So much for dancing. Those bitches are already being laid or about to. I squealed as I imagine it.? What's your name?" he asked.? 'Maggie," I answered. 'What's yours?"? 'Julian…Julian Knox"? The name was immediately registered. No wonder he was regarded and looked like a god. He was the Alpha's other son. Not like he was often away or anything. We just never crossed the few times I've seen him on the TV or far off, up close, he looked way finer. Although he has been in college for a while now. Fuck! He has really changed. He must have seen my lips widen because he looked down and smirked lightly.? 'I'm sorry your eminence" I greeted and bowed my head. No wonder the girls were sending daggers my way with their eyes.? 'Please don't…I want you to relate with me as you would to any ordinary wolf"? I nodded and crossed my leg, which caused the hem of my gown to go up. Julian's eyes averted to my bare skin, trailing down the rest of my leg. I flushed when I noticed he had shifted his gaze to my cleavage. This boy must have used a spell on me because whoring away was never something I did. Never! His gaze set my body on fire. I was suddenly too hot. I'd always cringe when male wolves stared at me lustfully but for some unknown reason, I felt safe with Julian.? He leaned in closer, causing his hot breath to hit my face. The hair on my skin tinged in response which caused me to go damp in between. It was probably the effect of the alcohol but now, I wanted to get laid.

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