เปิดแอป Webfic เพื่ออ่านเนื้อหาอันแสนวิเศษเพิ่มเติม


DAPHNE’S POV The look of shock on his face mirrored mine although it was even more pronounced in his because he looked like he could find a million ways to make me disappear from where I stood. I could hear the skeptical voices of people around and I felt like the ground would open up and swallow me. I have liked him for so long and I cannot believe the moon goddess has finally heard my silent prayers. I tried to fight the urge to grin as my gaze went to Amelia, who was now looking at me with a very angry expression that could burn through me from here she stood. “That is impossible!” That was the last thing I excepted to hear him say as my gaze found his, my heart secretly praying he had made a mistake or maybe it wasn’t even him that talked but when I looked at him, I took a step back because I expected what he wanted to say and for the first time in my life, it felt like all hope is lost. I did not want to hear what he had to say next. If I did not hear it, then it would not work, right? I turned around and ran as fast as my legs could carry me. I could feel my wolf rear her head into a corner as I ran. Tears flowed from my eyes as I ran. I have long awaited this moment but if the one time that I think I have found a mate, he would reject me, then what else is there to live for knowing that I was going to be miserable for the rest of my life. I suddenly began to hear shouts from the rear. Are they following me? Do they want to get rid of me permanently? That would make them happy because they all hate me and they would rather have as Amelia’s Xander’s mate than I. I saw a large boulder in the distance and hurriedly ran to hide behind it. “Come out, Daphne.” That was his voice, the same voice that always got me into trouble, the same voice that made me believe I stood a chance in winning a duel against Amelia. He was deceptive but my heart won’t listen to me and would fall in love with him over and over again. “Daphne!” “Go away!” I did not have to talk because I knew it would make it easy for him to find me. Yet, I did because my heart is such a betrayer. “I just want to talk.” “No, you are going to reject me!” He made a sound that sounded like a scoff, “And why would you even think that? Do you think that lowly of me?” “You made that impression and I just needed to be far away from you as possible and I will be fine.” “What if I have no intention of rejecting you?” That made my heart skipped even though I found it hard to believe it. “Just come out of there.” “Just let me stay here.” “You know I could find you if I wanted to but I won’t because I want you to know that you are safe with me and I want to have you by my side as my Luna.” My stomach did a little flip flop from there at the sound of that. He wanted me as his Luna? How in the world would he expect me to believe that? I slowly stepped out of my hiding place, in my tattered clothes. I could not make out part of his face in the dark due to the fact that my vison had not yet fully developed despite the fact that I now had my wolf. Most of the thing that I struggled with was not be a problem for most wolves but I guess I was a very different and I have come to terms with that already. He stretched his right hand towards so that I can take it. I looked at him carefully to be sure I was not making the wrong decision. His face was reassuring. His deep blur eyes twinkled in the dark, making my heart mellow. Would I ever be able to get over this cuteness? I slowly reached for his hand even though I was half expecting something to happen. He squeezed my hand gently and suddenly scooped me into his arms. I gasped in shock as I kept my gaze on his face. “I am sorry I scared you.” I nodded, contemplating where to put my arms. He smiled. “You can wrap your arms around my neck.” I did not need to be told twice. I have long wanted to be this close to him and as I took in his masculine scent, I knew I was going to get addicted to it As we stepped foot into the pack, I could feel eyes on us which made me bury my head in the crook of his arm. “I am scared, “ I whimpered. “Don’t be, it will be over soon.” “What will be?” A palm came across my face with something white and I felt my vison begin to go blurry. I did not know how long I was out for but it must have been a long time. I was tied to a pole and in a demarcated corner of the room, what separated where I was by only a thin curtain, I could see that there were about four people on the other side and they were talking. They must not know that I am already awake because they were pretty loud. “Do you think this the right thing to do?” Xander asked. Anyone could tell that this was just him getting fold feet and even in my stare, I blamed myself for even believing him enough to return with him. I had my chances there, I should have just taken it. “Do you have a better option? Stop acting like you are better than any of us and do the right thing!” anther voice snapped at him. It was a feminine voice that I did not recognize. “What will happen to her?” He asked again. At this point, I couldn’t even tell if he actually cared about me or he just did not want his hands to get dirty. “You are starting to sound like you care.” I would recognize that voice anywhere. It was Amelia. I could imagine the smile that would be ion her face right now. “ You know, I had a really difficult time keeping a straight face to act as if I was shocked that she was your mate or that I was hurt. I couldn’t let her catch up and run away.” “Good girl!” That was the Alpha. He sounded so sure of what they were about to do. No don’t, even if Xander wanted to back up, he wouldn’t be able to because he would want to please his father. “I am sure you are well aware of the tradition and you know that this is truly a blessing in disguise because we have truly hoped it would be someone as worthless as her that will be mated to you. That way, n one would miss her or get suspicious. “Are you saying…” “Yes, she will die.”

© Webfic, สงวนลิขสิทธิ์