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DAPHNE’S POV I looked around the arena to see if would find someone who would see the craziness in all of this and help me but even the Alpha, who was also there, did not see anything wrong in it. I will give her a fight if that is what she wants. I took my stance and watched as she gave me a mock look. She must think I am as weak as I looked or as anyone would expect an untrained omega to be. I could see Xander folded his arms against his chest from the corner of my eyes and I was quite disappointed that he would let this happen to me but then, he did not owe me any favour. Amelia gestured that I attack so I charged towards her and stuck out my fist for a blow but to my utter surprise, she grabbed my fist and twisted my hand to the back before sending me flying, my face came first into the floor before I heard the sound of my bones crushing. I did not have healing abilities yet so that hurt like a million daggers were being stuck inside me. I cried out in pain and the people roared in excitement, I could even see some laughing. “Get up, slave!” Amelia said. For someone who had such a sweet name, she was THE devil. I managed to get on my feet but I knew my body would give way soon and this wasn’t good for me at all. She rammed into me with full speed and I barely knew what was going on until I just got tired and decided to try to land a punch. I grabbed a handful of sand off the floor and threw it straight to her face but her reflexes were shard and she dodged it but she had given me the opening I needed because in that quiet moment, she was distracted, I landed my first blow to her nose and the rest was history. I was punching her excitedly everywhere and my heart swelled with pride when I saw that she was weak and already breathing very hard as she kai in the floor while I got off her. I left her and turned around to face the crowd who all looked at me as they remained very quiet. They did not expect me to win, it was obvious. I wanted to scream at them to be happy for me but I did not want to get in anyone’s bad side. I turned around to look at my prey and that was the last thing I remembered as I felt something hard hit my face. Is this the end? The next time I opened my eyes, I was still in the sane position I was when I fainted. The only difference was that I as all alone here. They had left me to die. My body ached so bad that I don’t think I would be able to stand up. The sky rumble as thunder struck. I have to get inside but my body won’t move. “Don’t they to move, you broke your bones but you are in the process if healing.” A voice said and I turned to look around to find who had spoken. However, it had seemed mire in my head than out. “I am in your head. I am your wolf.” I laughed dispute my state. How could I have a wolf when I only just a slave? And if I didn’t, how would she allow me to have been so badly hurt? I have heard a lot of myths about people getting delusional hen they re hurt and I have no doubt that this is one of those cases. I shook my head and closed my eyes as I tried to concentrate on getting out of here. Rain began to drizzle in trickles. “I am still here, Daphne. Stop struggling!” “You are not real!” “Try to delude yourself more. Today is your eighteenth birthday and fir the rest if your life, you will have me right by your side.” “If you are right why is it taking so ling to heal?” “They are not wrong when they say you are weak.” “Ouch! Thanks for the vote of no confidence, are you not supposed to be on my side?” “I am and that is why I would tell you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it.” The rain began to fall really hard and I had no choice but to kay there as I began to feel my bones seam together and I sighed. “You may have me now but you cannot really do much, I’m sure you are aware of that and all those trainings you have ben putting yourself through would have meant something if you actually had a partner so that should explain why you are weak.” I couldn’t reply her now because of the pain. I made to get up and as I tried to get on my feet, I wobbled a little but remained on my feet. “You should get inside.” ‘No, if they find out I am up, they would expect that I get on with work. It is Xander’s birthday and I need to go help with the preparation preparation.” “Take a breather!” I took in a deep breath as I limped inside and before I got to the hall, I was already fine but I could not let them know that I was healed already. I took a deep breath the entrance of the hall before pushing the door open to see Amelia dishing out orders to everyone. Nita tapped her to show her that I was in, everyone looked at me, surprised. “Can’t you just die?” She said loud enough for everyone to hear then she came towards me and pulled me outside. Nita followed her. “What do you think you are doing?” she asked me. I gave her a blank expression. I may be a little more daring now that I knew I had a wolf even is she is weak. “You’re a mute now?” She asked with great annoyance. “What do you want from me?” “I want you gone. How could you even dare to think that Xander would love the likes of you?” “Why can’t he love me?” I asked in a low voice earning a petrified look from Amelia who looked me all over. Then she gestured at me to come. “Perhaps I need to spell it out to you. You are a worthless slave from nowhere whose father is a debtor. You are wolfless and useless, how do you expect the future Alpha to be with someone like you?” “Yeah, what was I thinking?” I asked emotionlessly as I stared down at my feet. “I do wonder how you are still standing, perhaps you are still hoping for something. You would be right here when he proposes to me at his during the party.” My nose suddenly caught something delicious. I do have a strange nose but this wasn’t it. It went beyond the nose, it was more of a feeling. The scent was that of pine and almond, a woody kind of smell and I could not control myself as a word spilled out of my mouth. “MATE!”

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