They were awake but lying quietly in their crib. Their eyes scanned Nana and they gave her a small smile.
'Hi Evan and Emily. It's nice to meet you both. I'm your Nana.'
Ethan pulled me into his arms as we watched her talking to the children. I looked forward to the years Ethan and had ahead of us together. We were finally at peace.
Six Months Later-- December
I was rushing to get on my Vera Wang bridal dress with Halley's assistance. She was my Maid of Honor and Ethan's best man was Martin. Martin's engagement had failed and he'd started dating Halley. The two made a cute couple. Halley did my veil and slipped on my white heels with diamond studs. I put on my favorite necklace that I received from Nana the year before and went downstairs to the white limousine that was waiting for me. Ethan slept at an apartment he had a few neighborhoods over; he said the bride and groom shouldn't be in the same house the night before the wedding. The twins were already dressed