เปิดแอป Webfic เพื่ออ่านเนื้อหาอันแสนวิเศษเพิ่มเติม

Chapter 4

"What can I do?, what can I do?" she muttered while walking arround the room in circles, it was the next day and ruma is trying to think of what to do. she has to stop the city brat no mater what the cost "Yes I can do this" she mummerd as an idea pops into her head and she ran as fast as she could, she went to each door of every villager and she tried to make them help her with the battle at hand. "Help us fight the city brat who wants to render us homeless" Ruma said when she went to every house. but, she spoke in Hausa at most places and she was able to gather some few people who were mostly teenage girls and boys with little adults on their side who were ready to help her with the little plan she had, she thinks She'll be able to scare him off. "We'll execute our plan tomorrow" she said to the mob of people she was able to gather and they just nodded which meant YES . "city brat here we come tomorrow is going to be your downfall" she thought as she walked Home for it was already late and she must be home before magrib. "Asalamualaikum" she said as she walked inn "walaikumussalam" her uncle answered "where are you coming from?" he asked "I went for a stroll" she lied as usual. "Rumaina this strolling of yours is getting to much and you're a woman so please act like one" her uncle said and she nodded as she entered into her room where she found zarahu sitting alongside faiza, zarahus big sister who is married with two children. "Yaya Faiza!" Ruma said as she walked in getting their attention. "rumais" Aunty Faiza called out her pet name which she is always fond of calling her. "when did you arrive?" Rumaina asked while sitting on the stool close to her. "I arrived in the evening but I was told you weren't at home" Aunty Faiza said. "yeah I wasn't, I had some work" ruma said looking nervous. "Zarahu bring the leather bag" she said referring to the leather filled with cloths and lots more. "Ruma this are for you" Faiza said while passing it to her and ruma happily grabbed it. "wow!, Thank you. you're so sweet" Ruma said hugging her and she just chuckled. "I heard that you were all asked to leave the village" Aunty Faiza said looking tensed. "Yes" Zarahu finally spoke. "Tell me, what happened?" faiza asked and they narrated all that happened and faiza was really upset. "it'll all be fine inshaAllah" faiza said as she walked out of the room leaving the girls to sleep. The night was long as usual and ruma couldn't wait for tomorrow for her plan will come to pass. After moment of the clock ticking it was already morning and everyone in the village were up and were parking their loads because it was today in which they'll leave their home to God knows where. Many people left the village the moment they were told to, but as for those ones who decided to remain there, it was because they had no place to go. "Ruma!, Where are you off to so soon. its too early" musbahu asked as he sighted his sister. "Musbi I'm going out for something urgent so if you're asked of my whereabout tell them I went to the tailor shop that hajiya summaya asked me to turn off the appliances, get it?" Ruma said with nervousness audible in her voice. "OK sister I'll tell just that, but be safe" musbahu said as he walked back into his room and ruma ran off into the village were she gathered the people and told them the plan once again and they all agreed and were off to the place where they'll find the rich brat. which is in the old field down the hill, the walked at fast pace until they arrived and lo and behold there he stood, the rich brat, Mr Amir sheik,with some bulldozer which were bulldozing innocent peoples houses around the hill and a big sign board was placed with the name "AMIR SHEIK GROUP OF CONSTRUCTION"was engrossed on the big bill board and there he stood with his hands in his pocket and he was on a tainted spectacles as usual. They needed to get his attention so ruma picked a stone and threw it on the bulldozer making Amir turn to her direction "wow you're here, I've been waiting for you" he said walking stylishly to where ruma stood. "I see you've brought some friends along today" he said referring to the mob of people behind her. "Don't you dare touch our land" she  warns him with her hand on his collar and he looked at her through his tainted spectacles, then he pulled her hand away from his collar and she picked up a stick. "you wanna beat me?" he said almost in a Chuckle. "I won't,But they will" she said, pointing to the mob of people. And she picks up an iron rod and yells "ATTACK" making the mob of people run towards him but he was quick, he ran away but he left her with a warning "I keep on saying this, you'll pay and you will" he said before driving away in his car and ruma smirked knowing she has managed to scare him off today.

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