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Beauty is a beastBeauty is a beast
โดย: Webfic

Chapter 2 - The lake, the moon, and a chance at romance.

Jack's eyes remained fixed on Elsa, his mind struggling to comprehend the sheer magnitude of her beauty. He felt like he was drowning in her eyes, which sparkled like diamonds in the dim light of the bar. Elsa's cheeks flushed slightly, and she smiled, her lips curving upwards in a gentle, shy smile. "Hey, are you okay?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Jack's tongue felt tied, but he managed to stammer out a response. "Y-yeah." The music and laughter around them faded into the background as they gazed at each other. Jack felt like he was in a trance, unable to look away from Elsa's captivating eyes. Sarah, the bartender, interrupted the spell, sliding a drink down the counter to Elsa. "Here you go, hon! Your favorite, pumpkin spice martini." Elsa turned to Sarah, her smile widening. "Thanks, Sarah! You're a lifesaver." Jack watched, mesmerized, as Elsa took a sip of her drink. He felt like he was witnessing a work of art, her lips puckering slightly as she savored the taste. "You like pumpkin spice martinis?" Jack asked, his voice sounding like a croak. Elsa turned back to him, her eyes sparkling. "Love them! They're my favorite fall treat." As Elsa's eyes sparkled with delight, Jack felt a flutter in his chest. He couldn't believe the coincidence they shared a love for pumpkin spice martinis. He fidgeted with his glass, his fingers drumming a nervous rhythm on the bar. "I mean, it's just...really cool to find someone who shares my favorite drink," Jack stuttered, his cheeks warming with embarrassment. Elsa's smile put him at ease, and she leaned in, her voice friendly. "Yeah, it's always great to find someone who shares your interests." Their eyes met, and Jack felt a spark of curiosity. He wanted to know more about this mysterious woman who shared his love for pumpkin spice martinis. "So, what brings you to this part of town?" Jack asked, his voice a little steadier now. Elsa's response was effortless. "I'm actually on a mission to explore all the hidden gems in the city. I just moved here a few months ago and I'm still discovering new places." Jack's eyes lit up. "No way! I've been living here my whole life and I'm still finding new spots. What made you move here?" Elsa's expression turned thoughtful. "I was looking for a change of pace and a fresh start. I'm an artist and I wanted to be in a city with a thriving creative scene." Jack nodded. "Yeah, this city is amazing for that! I'm actually a writer, so I'm always looking for new inspiration. Maybe we can explore some of these hidden gems together?" Elsa's smile was radiant. "That sounds like a lot of fun! I'd love to explore with a local." As they continued to chat, Jack found himself feeling more and more at ease around Elsa. He was drawn to her adventurous spirit and creative energy, and she seemed to be enjoying his company as well. The conversation flowed effortlessly, and Jack couldn't help but wonder if this chance encounter might lead to something more. As they chatted, a patron stumbled into the bar, reeking of alcohol. He staggered over to the jukebox and started playing the same song for the fifth time. The bartender warned him, but the man refused to leave. Suddenly, a guy from the pool table stood up and confronted the drunk patron. "Listen, buddy, we're trying to enjoy ourselves here. Can you please leave?" The drunk patron swung at the guy, missing him by inches. The pool player retaliated, and the two men crashed to the floor, fists flying. The bar erupted into chaos. Glasses shattered, tables overturned, and the bartender yelled, "Fight! Fight! Get out!" Jack and Elsa were caught in the melee, but they managed to dodge the flying fists and make a run for the door. Outside, they gasped for air, their hearts racing. "Wow, that was crazy!" Elsa exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. Jack chuckled. "Yeah, I guess we got out just in time! But I don't want the night to end yet. Want to see something beautiful?" Elsa nodded, and Jack led her towards the lake, the water's edge glinting in the faint light. The sounds of the bar fight faded away, replaced by the gentle lapping of the water against the shore. As they walked along the lake shore, the darkness was almost palpable. The clouds hid the moon, and the only light came from distant streetlights, casting long shadows across the water. Elsa shivered, and Jack instinctively put his arm around her shoulders. "Cold?" he asked, his voice low and gentle. She nodded, her eyes fixed on the water. "A little. But it's beautiful here." They walked in silence for a few minutes, the only sound being the water lapping against the shore. Jack felt a sense of peace wash over him, being here with Elsa. "Hey, look," he said, pointing to a nearby bench. "Let's sit for a bit." Elsa nodded, and they sat down, Jack's arm still around her shoulders. They gazed out at the lake, the darkness slowly enveloping them. "I love the water," Elsa said, her voice barely above a whisper. "It's so calming." Jack nodded, feeling a connection to her at that moment. "Me too. It's like the world slows down here." As they sat there, the sounds of the city faded away, and all that was left was the gentle lapping of the water and the beating of their hearts. "I'm so glad we got out of there before things got too crazy," Elsa said, laughing. "Definitely," Jack agreed. "I don't think I could've handled much more of that guy's singing anyway." Elsa giggled. "I know, right? I mean, I love karaoke, but that was just painful." They sat in comfortable silence for a moment, enjoying the peacefulness of the lake. "So, what do you like to do when you're not dodging fighting drunkards?" Jack asked, grinning. Elsa smiled. "Well, I love art, music, and literature. How about you?" "I'm a big fan of literature," Jack said, his eyes lighting up. "I love how a good book can transport you to another world." "Exactly!" Elsa exclaimed. "I feel like I'm right there with the characters, experiencing everything they're going through." "What's your favorite book?" Jack asked, curious. "Oh, that's a tough one," Elsa said, thinking. "I think it's a tie between 'The Great Gatsby' and 'The Nightingale'." "Great choices," Jack said, impressed. "I love F. Scott Fitzgerald's writing style." As they gazed into each other's eyes, Jack felt his heart race. He leaned in his face inches from Elsa's. She didn't pull away, her eyes locked on his. Just as their lips were about to meet, Elsa's gaze shifted to the sky. "Oh, look!" she exclaimed, pointing upwards. The clouds had parted, revealing the moon in all its glory. Jack followed her gaze, his eyes fixed on the lunar beauty. But Elsa's attention was elsewhere. She checked her watch and gasped. "Oh no, I had no idea it was so late!" Before Jack could react, she jumped up from the bench. "I have to go, Jack. Right now." "What? Why?" Jack asked confusion glued on his face. Elsa's eyes sparkled with a mix of excitement and apology. “Um… um… I promised my friend I'd meet her tonight. I completely forgot!" Jack's face fell, disappointment washing over him. "But...but we were just..." Elsa's smile was apologetic. "I know, I know. I'm so sorry, Jack. I had a wonderful time, but I have to go, we'll meet again I promise." With that, she turned and ran off into the night, leaving Jack sitting on the bench, feeling bewildered and longing.

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