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Be The WitnessBe The Witness
โดย: Webfic


Quianna's POV After that flowerpot incident, some guards went out of the hospital and starting asking what happened with this huge mess. Being shocked and in disbelief, I just stare at the ground while Dylan guides me to sir for a second. What if I did not saw that message? My life could've ended in just a few seconds. That flowerpot was huge enough to have me injured or put in a coma. "Are you okay?" Dylan asked me and handed me a cup of water. "Yeah, I guess so." I answered. "Who would do such a prank?" he said irritatingly. "Calm down, we already called the security and they are now investigating it." I said to him and grabbed his hand to let him sit for a while. "Ma'am, we are done checking the CCTV's and we saw no one who could've to push that huge flowerpot." They said. "What? So you're telling us that the air breeze can move that huge thing?" Dylan answers. "We have nothing to say, we are sorry." "Dylan, it's okay. Sir, please investigate it further and report to me if you've seen anything." I said to them and let them leave. "Yana, are you sure that no one attempts to kill you?" Dylan stubbornly asked. "I am not sure. Read this." I said then handed him my phone, it shows there the message that my dad would be killed in an accident and that flowerpot also. "The person who sent you this message is a psychopath." He said. "Let the police investigate. I already gave them that message history." I said to him. "I'll take you home." He offers which I gladly accepted. Third Person's POV This place was the violent crimes department which detectives are all busy investigating their cases. Each team has its leader who makes the process more rational and systematic. But not all teams can say that their leaders are in their right minds. "Sir! We received a tip that the suspect was seen at the vicinity." Jason said to his team leader. "Okay I got it." he just answered but still comfortably sitting on his swivel chair while his eyes closed. "Sir? I think we should be there fast. We cannot let the suspect on lose." Jason repeats. "Yeah, sure." he calmly answers. "Sir—" "Jason! I got it, okay? You know the drill, you should call the team, telling them the tip and not just to me." the team leader says irritatingly. "I got it, sir. But we need your order." Jason insists. "Jason! I said go on to your work. I am waiting for something." The team leader says while staring at his phone. *Phone vibrates* "Now, this is the right timing! Dispatch 1 you'll be searching the east side and Dispatch 2 on the west. Always come with your partners as they'll your alibis. I don't trust anyone's words only. Quickly" the team leader announced and the whole team left the station in haste. The team leader looks at his phone and reads the message. The Torso killer will be seen at downstreet, Loki Village- the message shows. "Team, go to the Loki Village and start your search there." The team leader orders through his walkie-talkie. "Are you still trusting that message?" Aaron asked. "You know how helpful this person to our team." He replied. "But you don't know that person." Aaron insists. "But it really happens, all its messages." He debates. "Austin, what will you do if it vanishes some time." Aaron asked. "Then, I should find it." Austin smiles crazily, Aaron just shook his head out of disbelief. Austin's POV This is my 3rd case in this division and all of those were closed as culprits were all apprehended. This was all because of the messages I received throughout those years where I thought my police career will be ended. "This is Dispatch 1, We arrived at the Loki Village and we still haven't seen the suspect." Says through our radio. "This is Dispatch 2, we did not see also the suspect at our current location." "What? But this is where the message said." I whispered. "I told you, you should not trust that." Aaron said to me. "Shut up maybe they just missed it." I said then went out of the car to start the search. "Austin, wait!" Aaron called. I did not look at him back and continue walking through the woods. I am sure the killer is here, the sender would not tell a lie after all these years it helped me. I still believed this person whoever it is. I saw old signage which states the name of a lake, it is the Red Lake. I walk towards it and I saw how the moon reflects on the small body of water in front of me. it was quite mesmerizing, but I am not here for a walk. I stroll around the lake and I saw a human figure lying at the shore. I run towards it and I saw a man bathing in a pool of blood, I flipped the body and I saw that this is the killer we are searching for. The message is real, but it does not say that it was dead. I put my ear onto his chest to check if he was still breathing, I cannot let a killer be dead for the case will become a cold one. When I heard that he still has a heartbeat, it was a feint, but I can hear it for sure. I gave him CPR, pumping to his chest. Before I finished the CPR, I heard someone screamed, I looked at it and I saw a man being scared out of his wits. "Wait, sir! I am with the police!" I shouted but he just ran away. I disregard it and continue giving him CPR. I grab the stones and clear the way to his body. "Freeze!" someone yelled. I looked at it and I saw Aaron. "Good thing you are here Aaron, the killer---" I cannot finish my words as they have a suspicious look on their faces. "Wait, why you are looking at me like that?" I asked him. Aaron just walks past me and looks at the suspect who's still lying. "Check the suspect." Aaron ordered. I just moved to the side and let the paramedics take care of the rest. "Sir, the suspect is dead." The paramedics announced. "What? That's impossible. He was still breathing when I got here." I said to them, but they are just staring at me. "Wait, don't tell you you're suspecting me. Come on Aaron, you know me." I said to him. "But I did not know what you did right now." He said to me. "I cannot kill a suspect." I said. "But you can beat him pulp." He insists. "Come on." "Bring him to the station, we'll get your statement, Austin." He said. "Okay fine, as you wished." I said then walk together with them. "Don't cuff me! Idiot!" I yelled to Jason who's holding handcuffs. "Not for you, for the suspect." He said. "He's dead, did you not hear that? How can he run away, huh?" I irritatingly said to him. "Oh right." He just said. What an idiot. Arrived at the police station, Aaron signaled me to enter the interrogation room. "Why are we here?" I asked. "Getting your statement." He answered. "Are you treating me as a suspect now?" I can't believe it. "We are just talking here, no other meanings." "Okay fine." I said then sit down. "What happened out there?" he asked. "I was searching for the suspect and I saw the lake, I walk around it and I saw a body lying. When I approached it, I saw it is the killer that is why I am giving him CPR." I explained. "How did you make it out to the lake?" "I just saw a signage." I answered. "No one can ever go there." "What? That's impossible." "Well, it is not. The lake was closed to people as it is dangerous." "But—" "Sir, the forensic results are out." Someone said. "Give it to me." Aaron said. "It says here, the cause of death is an external concussion, someone deliberately strikes him with stone and there's only one fingerprint caught at the crime scene." "Who's fingerprint?" Aaron asked and silence began. I saw the detective glance at me. "Me? of course, I moved those stones earlier." I said to them. "Why did you moved it? to avoid us getting the murder weapon?" Aaron asked. "Come on Aaron! I just move it to clear the way while giving him CPR." I still insist. "Sir, we have a witness." Another detective went into the room. "Let me talk to the witness." I said. "No, I will be the one who'll talk to them." Aaron said. "Then, let them in here." I said and he just nods. After some minutes they both entered. "I-I saw him!" the witness exclaimed while pointing at me. "What? Where?" Aaron asked. "I saw him and another man lying. He has stones on his hands, and he was strangling him." The witness continues. "What are you saying? You are making a mistake there, mister." I said to him. "I am not. I saw it with my own eyes." He is still firm about it. "But—" "Okay, I got it, sir, you can now leave." Aaron said. "Aaron, don't say that you are believing his words?" I said to him. "Austin, we have witness and forensic evidence. It is difficult to ignore it." he explained. "How could you believe his words than mine?" I frustratingly said. "It's better than believing a message from an unknown sender." He said and I just stare at him blankly.


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