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Alpha's Human HustlerAlpha's Human Hustler
โดย: Webfic

Chapter One

  AMALA   “After her!”   On cue, running sounds reverberate the cracked pavement of the Red Light District.   My breathing becomes erratic, my heart could almost burst out of my chest any moment and my feet are getting numb from this endless cat and mouse chase.   Yet, I continue running as fast as I can, ignoring my consciousness slowly slipping away.   I couldn't care less about my condition if it meant I could avoid getting caught by these loan sharks.   Loan sharks whom my mother borrowed before she killed herself. And as her living descendant, I’m forced to hide myself until I pay every penny she borrowed from them.   And right now, I still haven’t reached that amount yet. If they catch me, what will happen next?   Who knows if they will sell me off to the wolves?   Or worse…   These pessimistic thoughts only motivate me to stay focused.   But the gap hasn't decreased since the start of this run and if I falter, they will definitely capture me.   I just need a diversion, like a sea of crowds or anything to be free from this. But as my eyes dart from every direction, every nook and cranny, none fits the bill of any form of escape.   Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. Oh God, my mind is racing and I am getting more desperate.   "You bitch! Stop running already!" One of the thugs yells and I silently pray they can finally give up on me. I can hear their breathing wheezing from a short distance.   Whether they are incredibly fast runners or I am the one slowing down, I am screwed either way. So, think fast, Amala! What should I do?   Just then, a familiar road catches my attention and as if everything is in slow motion, my eyes wander to that sign that I often see every time I pass by.   A sign of a reminder to all humans of this filthy vicinity.   WARNING: HUMANS SHALL NOT TRESPASSED FROM THIS POINT OR ELSE BE EXECUTED ON SIGHT   That sign is molded to each and every one of us in the deeper parts of Twilight Hound City.   Because across that sign leads to the high-rise luxurious parts of the city filled with wolves.   And it so happens the large gate is conveniently tilted open—the right space for my body to get in.   I gulp.   Without a second thought, my feet swiftly turn as I jolt straight to that direction.   "Th-that bitch!" I feel their feet stop in place as they are most likely startled with my desperate attempt.   "S-stop! (pant) Y-you c-can't die until I (pant) get my fuckin' m-money back!"   His attempted threats are the last words I hear before I slide myself inside the gap between the heavy gated doors and dash inside.   Until I am now farther from the border.   Once I don't feel them running after me anymore, my numbing feet finally give in and my body drops on the spot.   I pant as I thrust my fist on my throbbing heart. Drops of sweat drip on the ground as I try to regain myself.   H-how long have I been running? Not too long ago, I just received my salary from my boss at the bar I worked at and as soon I went out, three of those loan shark thugs saw me and without a second thought, dashed out and started this lil' chase.   I am now on my knees, slowly lifting my body as I lean against the wall.   Now that they are out of my tail, I have one more problem to deal with.   How should I get back to the border without getting caught? I got so lucky to enter without being seen by the guards—   —Wolves in the form of their human flesh roaming around the area here.   I was lucky enough that I haven’t encountered one but who knows I might not get lucky the next time? I need to head back now.   Raising my legs up, I take a deep breath before I walk back to the large gated doors. However as soon as I reach there, my eyes widen as I slip out a gasp.   “No w-way…”   The door is closed and there is a huge padlock connecting the chains around the door.   "The humans said a woman got here. She might be back here now." It is faint yet I can hear voices not far from here.   "Shit," I mutter. I can't believe that man snitched on me after he wanted me alive to pay his debt.   Should I run? No, they can easily catch me. Hide? I look around and see a barrel along with crates of different berries and wine.   This will definitely hide my scent. I grin at the idea.   Perfect!   Their shadows reflecting the light against the buildings loom closer and I immediately remove its lid before slowly—but steadily—enter inside before putting the lid back above me. I am now engulfed with darkness minus the dim light on the hole which is conveniently placed in front of my view.   A perfect peephole, I would say.   “I couldn’t find the woman or her scent lurking around here, boss. Maybe the humans distracted us so they could get in on their own.”   The other man scoffs. “Good thing we locked the gates. We wouldn’t want mere humans to ruin our Alpha’s Red Moon Party.”   The first man turns to my direction. “Are these requested by Beta Finrel, sir?”   “Yes, we are going to bring them to the party, it seems.”   Oh crap. My eyes grow wide as they take the barrel where I am inside. My heart beats fast as they continue with their talk.   “This one is heavy,” the “boss” groans as both lift the barrel from both sides. I tumble a bit from the sudden shift of movement. “I bet these are alcohol!”   “Can we have a taste, boss? No one could find out as long as we keep mum!”   “No way, kid. Beta Finrel is a conscientious man, I wouldn’t want to get on his bad side. Come on, let’s go. Diamond Hotel, right?"   "Yeap. The humans better have a good venue then."   "I don't get why the Alpha wanted our party to be associated with humans."   “No clue, kid. Let’s just go.”   Diamond Hotel? That's the fanciest hotel in Twilight Hound and it is the only hotel that connects with humans and wolves.   I have a higher chance of leaving scot-free.   'I can just get out once they put this barrel in the storage room.'   With that in mind, relief eases my already tense body and my heavy eyelids slowly close down.   As I slowly drift to sleep, thinking about my seven-year-old baby sister waiting for me to return.

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