Chapter 81

Anne smiled as she looked toward the spot in the center of the stage where the stage lights were trained. In a moment, she would stand in that sparkling position and enjoy being the center of attention. She could almost envision herself holding the gold trophy. "Helen is also participating in the competition, but she's not here yet. You stay here, I will go check outside." Anne's expression suddenly changed when she heard Helen's name, but she managed to conceal it well. In an instant, her poker face was back in place. "She might already be waiting outside. Ms. Suares, you go ahead! I can handle this on my own." "Alright, I'll go check. Just relax and do your best." Anne hid her true feelings and watched Ms. Suares' departing figure. Would Helen really be able to participate in the competition? Well, that depended on whether she had the chance to attend. Right now, Anne thought that Helen was probably still freezing on the mountaintop. She glanced at herself in the mirror. Sh

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