Chapter 654

"Very well, let's proceed with that," Helen agreed promptly. After a brief pause, she turned to Gerard and asked, "Mr. Ziegler, if I remember correctly, isn't there an International Mathematical Olympiad in a month?" "That's correct," Gerard confirmed with a nod. "Are you planning to participate? However, you may not have the necessary experience. Typically, entry into international competitions requires a gold medal in the National Mathematics Competition, I'm afraid—" "No 'I'm afraids,'" Helen interjected confidently, completing Gerard's sentence. "With competitions taking place worldwide, I will secure my qualification before the International Mathematical Olympiad begins." "Very well then, I'll keep my word," Owen declared firmly, adjusting his glasses with confidence. Helen glanced briefly at him, hesitant to prolong their interaction. She swiftly found a reason to leave, stating, "If there's nothing else, I should probably head out. I've got plans for tonight." "Feel free."

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