Chapter 651

The chilling sense of unease could make anyone tremble. Despite Helen's skillfully concealing her expression, Chandler's watchful eyes remained fixed on her, capturing every subtle shift in her demeanor. After a brief stroll, Chandler casually broached the topic of Nexus Group. "The Lindvall family has made significant strides in the pharmaceutical industry lately. "Very few competitors have been able to challenge their dominance, but Nexus Group is among the exceptions. Their ability to withstand such pressure is quite impressive." "That doesn't sound entirely favorable," Helen noted, picking up a soft towel and placing it in the cart. Chandler chuckled lightly, his composure unwavering. "Nexus Group's management has shown some weaknesses, making them vulnerable to exploitation. It's not surprising, considering how the market tends to favor embracing innovations." Helen paused abruptly, her step faltering as Chandler's words sank in. She fixed him with a determined gaze and said

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