Chapter 648

For some reason, Helen's heart ached when she saw Melody falling to the ground and looking helpless. She went to help Melody up with concern, "Mrs. Boston, are you hurt?" Dazed, Melody, who almost mistook Helen for the late Bianca, shook her head gloomily. "Helen, I'm sorry for bothering you." Helen was sad to hear that. "Please don't say that. You're not bothering me. If you want, you can stay here for a few days with Mrs. Boston Senior." "Really?" Melody's eyes lit up as she held Helen's arm excitedly. Helen reassured her by patting the back of her hand. Then, she looked at Daphne and asked, "Mrs. Boston Senior, what do you say?" Melody was mentally unstable, so Daphne was the one who had the say. Daphne was more than willing to stay, but she was in a dilemma. Faye was nasty, but it was undeniable that she had taken over the Boston family. If they really let her act as she wished, the business that had been established for generations would be completely ruined. Helen could

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