Chapter 646

Since they were acquaintances, she had no reason to turn a blind eye. She rushed over to help Daphne and stated her own name, for fear that Daphne would be confused, "Mrs. Boston Senior, do you still remember me? We met in the Boston residence before." "I remember you! You're a good girl," Daphne exclaimed as she grabbed tightly onto Helen's arm. Daphne had recognized her the moment she got out of the car. If she hadn't known Helen's character, an old lady like her wouldn't have dared to seek help. Oh! There was her poor daughter-in-law as well! Daphne suddenly remembered that Melody was also in the car, so she dragged Helen to the back of the car and pleaded, "Please help me and my daughter-in-law." Helen did not resist, allowing Daphne to drag her to look into the back of the car. As expected, Melody, whom she had met before, was also there. However, Melody was bound by another burly guy. It benefited neither party to fight in such a tiny space. Seeing that Chandler had gotte

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