Chapter 631

Before Helen could say more, the dial tone filled the receiver. Glancing at her phone, she saw that Chandler had already hung up. As she stared at the home screen, Helen's recently calmed demeanor gave way to renewed frustration. Throughout the journey to the hospital, Samantha clung to her, crying incessantly. Helen's mind buzzed with worry until Chandler's call came in. His voice seemed to work like magic, significantly easing her anxiety. He appeared to possess a mysterious ability to instantly soothe her, though the calming effect was short-lived. Lost in contemplation, Helen observed the emergency room lights dimming as a doctor emerged. "Who is the patient's family?" the doctor asked. Helen's focus snapped back, prompting her to rise and approach him. "I'm her classmate," she said. "Doctor, how is she?" "The emergency treatment was successful, and the baby is stable. However, we advise keeping her under observation in the hospital for two days. Please arrange for her famil

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