Chapter 629

Helen was aware of the healing power of hugs. Was Chandler trying to provide her comfort? Could it be related to Charlie's earlier remarks? If so, Helen couldn't shake a hint of guilt. "Grandpa didn't intend any harm. Please don't let his words trouble you," she reassured him. "Sweetheart, you know I'm overflowing with gratitude. Why would I bear any grudge against Mr. Charlie?" Chandler expressed, releasing Helen and taking a small step backward. As their eyes locked, Helen's thoughts swiftly returned to the topic of the illicit photos, causing her gaze to betray a flicker of uncertainty. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease, her anxiety palpable in her demeanor. Humans truly were peculiar beings. In Chandler's absence, she had yearned for his presence. Yet now, with him standing right in front of her, she found herself unable to summon the courage to meet his gaze. "Helen," Chandler called her name, his voice breaking through her reverie. "Yeah?" Helen responded, lifting

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