Chapter 616

Given Chandler's reminder, Taylor reluctantly pushed aside his anger for the time being. "Where's Zac?" Chandler's voice cut through the air sharply, his intense gaze locked on Winnie seated on the couch, resembling an eagle spotting its prey. Nevertheless, Winnie remained unruffled. "Who's Zac?" she shot back, crossing her arms as she leaned back against the luxurious leather sofa. She remained oblivious to the potential danger of provoking a man like Chandler. "The man who transferred fifty thousand dollars to your account," Chandler responded stoically, though his fists were tightly clenched in his pockets. He had no desire to resort to violence, especially against a woman. However, when it concerned Helen's well-being, he was prepared to cast aside all civility if Winnie refused to cooperate. At the mention of Zac, Winnie appeared to recall something. She responded casually, "Oh, him? I have no idea. We've only known each other for a few days, and we're not exactly close. Why

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