Chapter 605

At that moment, Chandler's phone buzzed with a text from Zac. However, he hadn't had the opportunity to read it just yet. "Chandler, it's about time you start controlling your family members," Charlie said over the phone. "What's behind all these outrageous antics? Does he honestly believe he can accomplish anything by manipulating women? Does he see himself as some sort of emperor, expecting everyone to cater to his every desire?" Unaware that Charlie was directing his frustration toward Zac, Chandler responded with a gentle tone, attempting to ease the tension. "Mr. Charlie, please, let's try to resolve this calmly. Could you walk me through what happened? Who from my family has upset you this time?" Chandler still hadn't found the opportunity to make a personal visit back. Meanwhile, Priscilla maintained a low profile. Jenson and the others in Aguilisco kept a close watch on her. "Well, what's your take on this? Last time, he almost got Helen imprisoned. And now, he's resorti

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