Chapter 593

But Priscilla's extreme behavior couldn't wait. If he arrived late, she might lose her life. Chandler's eyes were filled with tears when he saw her in the hospital. She looked pale, but her eyes were fierce and ruthless. "It's fine if you don't want Kiara. I can find someone else for you. But you must break up with Helen!" Before he had even approached her, Priscilla was already making demands. Jenson and his brothers never expected that their mother would call Chandler over this matter. As for Chandler, his face was so tense and dark that even his voice sounded oppressive. "You can't stand, can you?" "Why are you asking such rhetorical questions? If you still choose her… Priscilla glanced around, and Chandler saw her searching gaze. He rebuked sharply, "Stop looking around. She's already gone!" "Perfect. I'll get you a blind date tomorrow." Priscilla was delighted to learn this information. Jenson and the rest couldn't understand the situation at all. Helen's family backgrou

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