Chapter 584

He had been operating the Newton Group for years. How could he just step down like that? "You can't! By doing so, you're just handing it over to others. Besides, your younger brothers aren't interested in business, and the Newton Group is your grandfather's hard work," Priscilla advised him desperately as she visibly panicked. However, Chander just smiled coldly. "Mom, since you're so capable, you should handle it." How could she not hear the irony in his words? "Are you really willing to go this far for Helen?" She felt a sharp pain in her heart and her head was dizzy. He laughed, his tone unchanged as he answered, "Isn't this what you want? I'm just following your ideas step by step. "Mom, what kind of daughter-in-law do you want? Kiara? Just because she's your goddaughter and you two get along well now doesn't mean it will still be the same when she becomes your daughter-in-law!" Chandler's words hit her hard. But right after he finished speaking, Kiara's voice rang out. "

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