Chapter 21

Chandler had no intention to talk much. His deep voice broke the silence. "Sit still. I'll apply the medicine." Helen stubbornly refused, "I don't want you to do it." Chandler paused, and his expression became hard to read. Seeing Chandler staring at her, Helen didn't back down but stared back at him. Unexpectedly, he suddenly leaned in closer. "What are you doing?" Helen's heart raced, her eyes wide with shock. Chandler had been looking at Helen, seemingly lost in thought. He unconsciously moved closer. When he realized it, he immediately stepped back and spoke with his usual cold tone, "You're not thinking straight. If we wait any longer, the wound could get infected." His words made sense and were firm. Helen obediently stretched out her hand. Chandler used scissors to cut open the fabric near the wound. Her bare skin was fair, much brighter than her face. He chuckled and said nothing as he continued applying the medicine. He recalled the different side of Helen he had see

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