Chapter 19

Although snubbed by Helen, Tyrone did not give up. He continued to talk to her, "I have a fan meeting later. Why don't you come and see?" He was usually very aloof, not saying much. Just a word or two from him would send fans into a frenzy. But this woman was putting on airs, acting all high and mighty. He wanted to prove to her that he was a movie star with millions of fans. His influence would be more than enough to make her back off. Helen didn't have much else to do recently. So, she agreed to go. Esmond recalled the kidnapping incident before. Fearing for their safety, he asked Chandler to accompany them. "Take good care of Helen. Make sure nothing like last time happens again." "Yes, Grandpa." ... "Tyrone! Tyrone! Tyrone!" Amid loud cheers, a figure stepped into view. Cameras flashed non-stop as Tyrone walked in. He was wearing a sharp suit and basking in the sunlight. At that moment, he was shining like the brightest star. "Hello everyone, I'm Tyrone Newton." After w

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