Chapter 38 At That Moment Of Life Or Death

“Zach! Zach!” Gwen shouted his name. Zach woke up very quickly and was dazed for three seconds before he took a look at his surroundings. In particular, he turned pale at the sight of the bomb on his body. “Quickly leave! Stella! Leave now!” Gwen shook her head. “I can’t leave, I want to save you!” She forced herself to calm down and tried not to tremble as she said, “I remember you told me that you were in the force for two years. Do you know how to defuse a bomb? Teach me, I’ll save you!” Zach shook his head. “There aren’t any tools around, so you can’t cut these wires!” “You just have to tell me how to save you!” Gwen responded and thought, ‘It doesn’t matter! I’ll definitely find a way to cut these wires!’ Zach inhaled deeply and exhaled. He had also recollected himself, so he furrowed his eyebrows while he quickly observed the type of bomb on his body. Zach used to be an outstanding special forces soldier in the past, so normal bombs were not a problem for him, and he im

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