Chapter 23 Trying To Hide It But It Makes Things Clearer

After walking a certain distance away with Zach, Stella could not help but turn to look. She frowned and asked, “Zach, who exactly is that person? Why did he call me… Gwen?” Zach answered, “He’s Jared Crawford, the eldest son of the Crawford family in Fuzhou. Rumor has it that five years ago, he drove his legal wife, Gwen White, to suicide by jumping into the sea; it was all for his ex-lover. Only when Jared’s wife died, he started missing her dearly and was dispirited for a long time before he got back up again. “Perhaps he mistook you for Gwen because you look very much like her.” It was Stella’s first time hearing about it. “He drove his wife to commit suicide because of his lover, how dare he pretend to be so affectionate? He’s disgusting!” Zach stroked her hair. “In any case, just try to avoid him the next time you see him.” “Of course, who would want to have anything to do with a scumbag like him?” Stella expressed, then quickly welcomed her daughter upon seeing her, “L

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