Chapter 21 A Living Gwen White

The cruise that was arranged by Grandpa Crawford would last for five days and four nights. Jared met Miss Lawson as soon as he got on the ship. She was a good-looking lady, but he was reluctant to be with her, hence he was indifferent toward her throughout the journey. Nonetheless, Miss Lawson did not give up. She tried to initiate a conversation. “Jared, can I call you that? You can call me Wendy.” Jared stood on the deck as he looked into the distance without an expression. Miss Lawson added, “Jared, I’ve actually known you since a long time ago, but you haven’t divorced your ex-wife back then…” “I don’t have an ex-white, Gwen is forever my wife.” Jared cut her off coldly. “Jared, don’t be mad, that’s not what I meant. Gwen and I used to be classmates when we were in university, we had a great relationship, so I won’t speak ill of her,” Miss Lawson quickly explained. She gulped before she continued with a softer voice, “What I meant was I was too shy to greet you in the p

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