My face lay flat on the ground when the general attacked me behind my back. He grabbed my feet and twisted it off the ground catching me by surprise. I wasn't expecting that he would attack so I wasn't able to block the impact with my hands.
I thought the fight is over. Apparently, he doesn't want to accept defeat. He doesn't want to lose to me.
What a prideful sneaky son of a bitch!
My face now hurts more than ever. I could feel that my nose and chin were already broken. I stood up by pushing myself off the ground with my two hands. The other is broken, but it didn't stop me from using it.
My body and face is sore while the only thing he got is a broken arm. He got the upper hand and I hope that he would use it to put a show to his Elites than to use it as his advantage.
He should had called it over when he saw that I don't feel pain. He care more about his ego than himself. I need to teach him a lesson.
I took a huge breath and sighed through my mouth. My nose would burn in pain if I