Ari holds my hand in hers. "There is nothing like what you are thinking." She assures and squeezes my hand. I close my eyes for a moment and then look at her. It was like I almost crossed the threshold of hell and came back. "It' is....I haven't kissed anyone before." She tells me in one breath, very fast that for a moment I couldn't understand what she was speaking.
"What?" I ask her taken aback arresting the smile. "Yeah you heard it right. That was my first kiss and I was a bit anxious. So..." She shook her head looking down at her feet. I bring my hands to her back and pull her to my chest enjoying the relief in light chuckles. I felt like was about to see the Lucifer but somehow came back. "Harris told me that you are a virgin. I'm sorry. It was my entire fault. I should have taken things a bit slower but I am glad I am your first kiss and will be first in everything." My words fell ardent kissing her head that was nuzzled in the crook of my neck.
In due course of t