The next day when I returned to the warehouse, I found Sam's dead body laying at the entrance with a pistol in his hand. Damn it! He killed himself but why? I looked for Hudson and found he was absent. Slowly the dots begin to connect in my head. My pressure began to inflate. I take cautious steps inside the storehouse not to invoke anyone's attention aiming my pistol forward. Arianna was missing and the depot was downright vacant bringing in me the confirmation I dreaded the most.
I hardly walk inside her room to check for any proofs of her possible pass through and hear gun shots been threatened all over the place. I immediately rush to a corner of the room to hide pulling my pistol ahead when a thunderous sound peers into my ears. But before I could plan my next course of action, I feel my eyes going dizzy. Everything was reeling around me. I try to move my leg and experience a seeping pain in my left knee. It was then that I discover I was already been shot. Blood was tri