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The Luna's FateThe Luna's Fate
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 5: Decrees of Banishment

Talia I slumped, shocked from Darius's decree, but Alex was quick to catch me just before I hit the ground. “Alex, he did not come back for me. Instead, he choose to believe her over me.” I cried. Words failed Alex and he did nothing but stroke my hair, allowing me to cry out to my heart content. After a few minutes,I wipe my tears and ease myself out of Alex’s hold. I had to leave this place. After all, I've been banished from the pack. “Where are you going, Talia?” Alex asked as I stood. “I'm leaving of course. You heard what the Alpha said. I should leave to avoid causing a problem for you.” I force out a smile that doesn't reach my eyes. “Then where would you go? You can't just leave without a direction.” “Silly. I would return to my hometown. Of all people, my parents should be willing to take me in.” I winced, unsure of my last statement. “Will you be fine?” Alex asked. I could see the reluctance of letting me go visibly etched on his face. “I will. I promise. You should prepare for work.” Dragging my feet, I return to the guest room to pick up my things and Alex trail right behind me. “I'm sorry you have to go through this, Talia. Take care of yourself and be strong.” He whispered as I got into the car. Not trusting myself to speak, I nod my head and smile. I had to be strong. Not just for myself, but my baby too. For the next few hours, I drove back to my hometown and pack. I could seek solace at my parent's then get back on my feet. But as usual, they had gotten the news already. “Mama, Papa, I'm home.” I announced as I stepped into the house. My father was the another lord within the pack, and it was the smallest on the vicinity. We did have secluded land that belonged to an ansector of mine, but it was not ours anymore. In someways, it felt like an extension of Darius Pack, The Storm Brooke pack. Few years ago, our little fiefdom was attacked by rogues, and luckily, Darius was close by and he had helped us. The fiefdom had been indebted to Storm Brooke since then, and everyone couldn't be more glad when I realized he wad my fated mate. A useless Omega rose from the lowest rank to being the Luna. The house was weirdly silent, and I tentatively stepped in. “Is anyone home?” I drag my box into the living room and meet my parents seated, their heads turned towards the entrance. “Why are you here? You should be with your mate!” My father spat out, venom seeping from his voice. Sighing, I debated on where to start my story from. Do I inform them about the pregnancy first or tell them my mate denounced me? “Darius denounced me.” I dropped the bombshell, taking a seat on the closest seater. “Denounced? Alpha Darius wouldn't do that. You must have done something.” Now, my head began to ache again. Couldn't there be a single person who was on my side? My parents had always been this way. Since I was able to differentiate left from right, I knew they hated me. More because I was born Omega. “Can you just be on my side for once?” I asked, unable to stop myself from wondering. “You have always believed and trusted what others say over me, your daughter.” “That's because you are nothing but a failure and disappointment.” My father hissed. His eyes were shooting blazers at me. “You couldn't even keep a man! Your mate at it. You couldn't keep him.” My mom added, as though my father's words had not stung enough. “Darius is still hung up on his ex- girlfriend! He divorced me because Celine is back, and you still blame me for that? I have done nothing but been a dutiful and kind wife. I learnt and studied a lot of scrolls and scriptures to be an asset to the pack, but you know what Darius said? He told me to my face that I am useless.” Before I had the chance to properly catch my breath, I felt a sting across my face. “Did you just slap me?” I questioned, glaring daggers at my mom with my hand on my right cheek. “And I will do that over and over if you don't learn to keep that mouth of yours shut.” Shaking his head, my father moved closer to the door and held it open. “Leave, Talia. You don't belong here anymore. You're better off as a rogue if your mate denounces you.” I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I had done enough crying to last me a lifetime in the last 24 hours. “Where is Fredrick?” I managed to ask, unwilling to believe I was all alone in my predicament. Fredrick is my only brother and sibling. Perhaps if he were home, he would stand up for me. Just like Darius was hung up on his ex girlfriend, my parents still felt indebted to Darius and the Storm Brooke pack. “Don't you dare to utter his name from that lowly mouth of yours. He is going to be the future Alpha of Tyrone, our pack, and associating himself with a weak Omega like you would only drag him down.” “Just like you have done with your mate.” My mother added. “Leave now, Talia, and just so you know, you are not affiliated to Tyrone any longer.” Biting my lower lip to stop them from quivering, I walked towards the door, digesting the news my parents just broke to me. Not only was I denounced by my mate, I was also disowned by my parents. Officially, I had nowhere else to go in the world and I was a good as a rogue. My parents forced me into living a sheltered life because they were ashamed of my rank as an Omega, and thanks to that, I had no friends. I had only be one friends with Alex on joining the Storm Brooke pack. He had helped me find my way when I was lost. Angrily, I slammed the door of the car as I got in, and to make matters worse, it began to rain almost immediately. It felt as though the skies were weeping along with me. For a while, I sat there in the car unable to bring myself to start the ignition. The rain was tad bit heavy, and it would be unsafe to drive. However, I had to leave my parents compound as my father stood at the door shooing me away. Sighing in frustration from how much drama I had gone through in the past twenty four hours, I finally start the ignition and drive away. I needed to leave else I would lost it. For a while, I drive around the town until I got to the outskirt. There, I parked the car and picked out a blanket from the box. It looked like I would be spending the night in the car. Tomorrow, I could figure out my next movement.

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