A deluge of bright golden shimmers dazzled the sky.
Jing Hong's face sank with dismay; not even a hundred Chu Xun could ever hope to withstand one single stroke from Emperor Ao.
Hardly furious in the least, Chu Xun instead broke into a gleeful smile resembling that of a little sly fox, hardly moving a single inch.
The golden bolt of light shot down but it did not hit him nor did it plunge into the ground; it stopped and hovered in mid-air right before his eyes.
The blinding radiance of the golden flash forced Chu Xun to squint his eyes.
It was a three-foot-long saber with a golden blade as wide as a man's hand. Its hilt was carved into the visage of a dragon and the saber pulsed with a bright glimmering sheen that never stopped flickering with the gossamer silhouettes of a raging beast as if it was trapped inside.
Chu Xun guffawed proudly and reached out to grip the weapon by its hilt, channeling a burst of his powers through it and willed the weapon to subm