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Chapter 2 the man called Alpha

"Wake up!", A stun voice yells waking me from my sleep,a woman I've never seen in a maid's uniform ,staring down at me with a girl my age next to her,her hair is tried in a tight crisp bun and she looks at me like I owe her money,I look around and notice I'm in some type of dormitory with a dozen beds with trunks in front of them. "Where am I?, where is my father?". "From today onwards you belong to the Alpha, you'll have to work to pay the money your father owes, get up and follow me! ",She says walking away, I get up to follow behind her and the girl. After walking for some time and making a couple of turns we finally reach the bathrooms. There are rolls of tubs and showers in an area with blow dryers and hair straighteners. There are three more maids waiting there, one with a bucket and the other with a hose. The lady nods at the one with nothing and she begins stripping me down.I try to struggle but I'm unmatched for this woman's strength. What is an Amazonian? after stripping me naked she shoves me into one of the shower stalls and I'm being sprayed with a great force of water ,the water hitting me painfully to the ground and I'm screaming for them to stop,and all I hear are their giggles of delight ,it felt like I was drowning she didn't even give me time to catch my breath, after what felt like an hour if torment. She stops and I cough up some of the water,the other with a bucket dumps the soapy water on me and gets a loader which she uses to srab me raw.I try getting her off me but these ladies really have exceptional strength and the hose water hits me again. After the torment stops the lady that brought me here walks in front of me "what is your name?",she asks but I just ignore her and another spray of water this time so power he snaps my head back "speak when spoken to!", "Eden Blake",I choke out. "Alright Eden, I'm one of the head servants here,You will refer to me as Ms Astrid ,Jill here will show you around",she says and walks off,with the women that gave me a bath from hell. The girl Jill smiles at me and hands me a light purple dress with a white apron,black shoes and socks. Just like the ones she's wearing. "Get up and follow me ",she says leading me to the area with the mirrors and blow dryers, I look at myself in the mirror and my face is red from all the water hitting it , the place my father kicked me last night is a little bit purple and aches, my hair has shrunk too, who never told these people you don't wet a black woman's hair. "You really have a nice curvy body,just be careful not to grab the attention of the males ,they can claim whomever they want". claim whomever they want is this some sex trade place or something ? "Hurry up and get dressed, this place is not that bad just follow the rules and keep your head down and you'll be okay, whatever life you had forget it, whatever dreams and hopes forget them all , you now belong to the Alpha",she says as she blow drys my hair and I apply the lotion on my body. Alpha? Is it the name of the guy that runs this place? What kind of stupid name is that?. "Avoid those that wear a different uniform from ours in short those like the head servant,they do not take lightly of our kind", " What do you mean our kind?" " Humans are like,how can I say it? rodents to them,so just keep your head low no matter what", She keeps confusing me even more " what do you mean human Ms aren't we all?". " No, the servants that wear black and white are werewolves and we humans wear purple" " Are you sh*ting me right now",I laugh but she looks at me dead in the eyes "what are you going to tell me Vampires are real?" She looks at me and nods yes " girl if you don't get the f**k out of here with that nonsense",I laugh. " Believe it or not but just listen to me",she says and combs my hair into a slick back ponytail," we have to do something about your curls otherwise it might bring trouble, trust me the she wolves can get really jealous", and tucks my hair into a bun. I go by the sink and brush my teeth then we head back to the dormitory. "This is the key to your trunk , you'll find some clothes, pajamas,another uniform in it and other necessities in it ,you bed is bed number 12 , it's the same number on your keychain and mine is bed number 11 which is next to yours", after that she hands me a bagel " here ,if you miss meals you don't get to eat so make sure to have food at meal time,we eat after the all of them have eaten,you and I have the same work assigned so just follow me". " What is this a Nazi concerntration camp?"I ask, this places has so many rules.i look around the room and the windows are not only tiney buy are placed really high,you can't even step on the bed to reach them because the beds are really low to the ground,an dthe trucks are so heavy a hand can't carry them. I quickly ate the bagel because I've been hungry since yesterday. We walked down some corridors, with me struggling to pull the dress that keeps rising down. "I'll get you another one",Jill says as we reach the bustling kitchen. I follow Jill to the sink and begin washing the vegetables.I can't believe they all think I'll be fine with this.I have to take a look around and figure out a way to escape. I'm not paying for money I did not borrow. After standing there and washing, it was finally time for lunch Jill told me the man called Alpha isn't around at times so only the other males are. "Jill and the new girl, we're short of hands",a black woman says,I don't know why I feel relieved but I thought I was the only female of color in this place,but even though she was the same ethnicity as me I just didn't feel comfortable there was just something off about these servants,they looked like humans but just carried a different air around them , maybe it's because of the series of events I went through from last night when I was kidnapped up until now, I was starting to think the nonsense Jill was saying is true. She holds my hand to reassure me ,we push the carts behind Ms Astrid and four other servants into a large dinning hall,Jill and I are in charge of the beverages,our cart even has wine what kind of phycos have wine with their breakfast,the dining hall has men and women as well, judging from the way the women are dressed I'm convinced this place is a high end brothel and I have to get the hell out of here. Ms Astrid clears her throat, snapping me out of my thoughts. I grab the jar with orange juice and fill the glass of one of the women. The man next to her slapped my ass and laughed "she must be new",he said looking at me with lust. M*theref**ker! How dare he ,I grab the utensil closest to me which is a fork and stab him in the arm with all my strength and. "B*tch!",he yells, grabbing me by the neck and raising me above the ground. "Kevin put her down,if you still want to keep your head attached to your neck", another man yells. I'm scratching at his arm for him to let me go despite the burning in my chest.He finally lets go of me throwing me to the floor. "Are you okay?"Jill rushes to my side. "Touch me again and I'll end you asshole!"I spit, I'll never let a man take advantage of me again. "Shut up!", Ms Astrid yells and grabs me by the hair slapping me across the face. This b*tch,my vision almost blackens as I see reality split in four ,my cheek stings so bad I think it split in half. "Enough!The Alpha wishes to speak to her" another man says. Jill helps me up and helps me walk to follow behind the man ,we took some stairs and finally stood in front of large double doors. "Syrus!"The man calls and a voice tells us to come in. "Are we going to see the Man called Alpha",I whisper to Jill ignoring the metallic taste of blood in my mouth. "No his name is not Alpha, he is the Alpha,the one that runs everything around here ,the man that owns you" " You mean like Alpha of a wolf pack?", I ask and Jill nods her head The man cleared his voice and I realized we were already inside the study filled with the scent from last night. I can't help but take a deep breath.

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