Chapter 11

"I didn't. How many times do I have to say it for you to believe me? I didn't push her…" Without any proof, Michael would only believe Yasmin's words. He trusted her unconditionally. As for me? I was nothing but a piece of trash. "Stephanie, you really deserve to die." That was the sentence that he said to me the most. That day, he didn't let me go until the end. He wanted me in the private room because he wanted to humiliate me. "Stephanie, do you know how much they pay for a waitress to keep their clients company? 800…" "Stephanie, you can't even compare to the waitresses here." "Stephanie, should I have let them get it on with you earlier?" I lay on the couch numbly. It felt like my whole body was torn to pieces. "Michael, please let me go…" I had already forgotten how long he tortured me. He finally let me go when he almost sobered up. Then, he tidied himself up while feeling disgusted. He was always well-dressed. Meanwhile, he didn't care if my clothes were torn into

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