Chapter 53

“Don’t be foolish! I still have you. Even if you were to get married, I’ll visit you frequently.” There was a hint of sorrow in her tone. Roger remained silent, but he made a silent vow in his heart. … After a restless, sleepless night, Stella decided it was time to get up. The sky was still dark outside. She arrived at the training center so early that even the security guard wasn’t there yet. She swiped her card and entered the building. She sat down, placed her bag down, and took out a bun from inside for breakfast. Roger would usually have breakfast in school, so she didn’t bother preparing herself an elaborate breakfast. She was fine as long as she didn’t feel hungry. After she finished her breakfast, she changed into her workout gear and started doing some warm-up exercises. It was only when she was dancing that she felt like the old Stella—the Stella who was pampered like a princess by her parents, never lacking in love and always glamorous, at the center of ev

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