Chapter 38

Weston’s long eyelashes cast dark shadows under his eyes, but he remained silent through it all. He calmly regarded Stella in scrutiny while Stella sat beside Yvonne in silence, as if she did not notice him staring at her. Stella would never have guessed that the guests Yvonne talked about were Weston and Guinevere. What a small world it was! She thought of the irony of them meeting again, when Weston was so adamant about sending her off out of his sight. Despite everything, Stella was curious to see how Weston would react next, now that he’d seen her. “I had the same thoughts myself when I first met Ella!” said Yvonne with some astonishment. “She looked just like a friend of mine! I guess it is a strange coincidence. I never thought that two people who aren’t twins could look so much alike. It was weird enough that I knew someone who looked like Ella. I can’t believe that you know someone who looks like her too!” Yvonne then turned towards Stella and studied her face. “Such a pret

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