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Chapter 8: Stranger

A sigh escaped her lips, and Janice's hand collided with a hard chest as she tossed in the enormous bed. She felt around and she sensed it wasn't a pillow, rather she was gripping a warm body! Startled, she came awake. She gazed around with wide eyes as she tried to decipher where she was in. A window was positioned at the corner of the huge room, it was opened and moonlight streamed into the room, illuminating it. The curtain rustled as the wind blew it. Janice wondered when she had a large window in her apartment because she could only recall how tiny it was to even accommodate one. Moreover, she recalls the lack of air that she often suffered due to having another massive building close by. But she still enjoyed her personal space despite how cramped it was. Her eyes travelled to the vanity which was exquisite even in the moonlight, several skincare products adorned it, and she glanced at the clock as it chimed. It was just past two, and she was in bed with a stranger! Was she abducted? She stared again, but she could barely see his face since he was on his stomach. He had the audacity to even change her clothing, and she thought of what he might have done to her. The thought of him touching her without her consent appalled her, and hastily, she glanced at herself to see if perhaps he had attempted to force her. Not that she would know if he had done anything to her. Janice's heart fluttered in her chest as she attempted to climb down quietly, but was halted by a husky voice. "Are you trying to run away from me?" He rasped. Janice lurched, and her hand went to her mouth to cover the shriek that threatened to slip out. She swirled, glaring at Jules who casually, propped himself up with a pillow. She let out a breath she hadn't realised she was holding. She clenched her hands into fists as it itched to smack his handsome face for startling her. Also, she was glad she had not been kidnapped as she had thought. Moreover, she remembered coming into the room after arriving at the palace. But she had barely got the chance to check out her surroundings because of how exhausted she was. "No." She stammered. "I thought you were someone else." "Now that you know it's me, come back to bed. It's quite early to be awake." He rasped, patting the space she had left. "You can sleep on the floor if you wish but don't think you can run out of this room." Jules asserted as he noticed the reluctance in her eyes. "I have no choice." Reluctantly, Janice moved towards the king-sized bed and climbed on it. She avoided his gaze and gripped a pillow to create a boundary between them. She remembered how she got into the room and she had been furious when she learnt they were to share only a room. Jules had made her understand it would be the arrangement when they were married, which would be done very soon. Even with that disclosure, Janice wasn't comfortable sharing a bed with him. "Why the barrier, Madame?" "It makes me feel safer," Janice murmured into her pillow, but he heard her. Safe from what? Jules mused. "I'm the last person you would want to stay away from. Besides, when you become my wife, your duty would be to me and in this very bedroom." He stated. Janice flushed. She knew that was what would happen. She had never been a royal, but she had heard most of their women, the king's and prince's wife were used as children making machines. She could be wrong because it was hearsay or maybe that was how all married women did, whether royal or not. Infuriated, she leapt out of bed. Her eyes blazed with fury as she glowered at him. "I refuse to be your breeding machine! I refuse to be your wife!" "I'm afraid madame. You have no choice in this, seeing as you have my child in you already." He said, nodding at her still taut stomach. Janice snorted, "Let's see about that. I don't want to be part of this. To be part of anything that's going on in your head. I want my life back, let's pretend we never met." She rambled. "That is too late." Jules chuckled. Janice scowled, and she watched his adam's apple bob as he laughed. Oddly, she found it sensuous even as she was furious with him. "Come back to bed, I want to see colours in that face real soon and you look weary too." He said, "I would hate it if you collapsed like the way you did earlier." Janice blushed, glaring at him. That must have explained why she had not remembered going to sleep, and changing into the nightwear. "I must say you gave me the fright. However, I'm happy you are well." He mumbled, shutting his eyes. Janice sighed as she watched his chest rise and fall slowly. She turned to her side after watching him for a while. She wouldn't give him the satisfaction that he had won. She was not going to be his breeding tool! She vowed. **************** The next morning, Janice darted into the bathroom to hurl. She sat on the grey fluffy rug which covered half part of the bathroom classic medium-tone hardwood floor. The muscle in her tummy contracted as she heaved. "I hate this." She muttered. She wondered when it would pass. Doctor David had said it would pass when she was in the second trimester or third trimester since she was a first-time mother. However, she knew it wouldn't be anytime soon since she was just two months pregnant, barely out of the first trimester. She turned her head as she heard footsteps. Jules entered the bathroom in his red robe and fuzzy slippers. He frowned as he gazed at her stroking the rug she sat on. "Do you need to see a doctor?" "It's just morning sickness, and it's normal for women who are pregnant." Janice reminded him. "I know that." He rasped, shaking his dishevelled hair. "But, I hate seeing you this way." "You need to live with it." "I'm calling the family doctor to come to check you up." "No nee…" Janice began to protest, but he already left the room. Sighing, she lifted herself off the ground while avoiding staring at the content of what was in the toilet. She averted her gaze as she searched for the flush handle. When she heard the sound of the water, she sighed then stepped out after rinsing her mouth and face. "Please, can they not bring anything like bacon in here?" "I think I might have to scamper into that bathroom again." She winced. "Very well," Jules replied and strode out of the room. He entered a minute later with a large tray consisting of varieties of food except for bacon. Janice's nose flared, and her mouth watered as the aroma glided into her nostrils. She stuck a finger in the honey and hummed as she licked it off her finger. Jules watched with rapt attention as she ate greedily. He had been afraid that she would hurl again after he entered with the food. But he was glad to see her appetite had increased. Janice paused and turned to him. "Do you want some?" She lifted a baked shrimp which was garnished with garlic lemon and butter sauce. "No, you should eat. I'll eat later with the queen." Jules said. Janice shrugged as she resumed eating. "Suit yourself." Jules chuckled as she stuffed her face. He was glad she didn't act too uptight with him, just like how most royal women he was used to doing. He would have loathed having a woman, that was exactly like him. The doctor of the royal family, Theodore Alfredo arrived as soon as Janice finished eating. He ran some checkups, and prescribed drugs to help keep nausea at bay. Janice noticed it was the exact drug she had thrown away. She shook her head as she remembered the thought she had immediately when doctor David had placed the drug in her palm. She had been scared it was a pill to terminate her baby since she had gotten something like that the first time she came to know about her pregnancy. But, seeing it again meant she was only paranoid. Jules watched her as she assessed the drug. He wondered what was running through her head. Perhaps, she wants to dump it like the way she had done to the first. "I hope you are not thinking of tossing those out?" He implored as soon as they were alone. "No, it was a misconception," Janice said, turning pink. Jules liked it when she reddened. It made her look quite modest and naive. "Care to enlighten me?" He murmured, tilting his brow. "N-no, n-noothing to worry about." She sputtered. "I believe there is something, but I won't compel you to say it." Jules glanced at the wristwatch on his hand, then at her. "I have some business to attend to. A maid would be nearby to attend to you if you need anything." "I doubt I would need one." Janice rolled her eyes as he left the room without another word. ###Chapter 9: Seamster(Couturiers) Janice awoke to the sound of a knock outside her door. Slowly, she lifted her body from the bed and discarded the brown duvet that was draped around her body. She glanced at the clock on the brown coated wall and realized she had slept for just two hours. Also, she noticed she was alone in the room, and she wondered about where Jules had gone. Janice sighed as she remembered him mentioning he had some business to do. The knock sounded again, snapping her out of her thoughts. "I'll be with you shortly," She said whilst yanking the robe that was hung on the chair next to her. Trudging to the door, she unlocked the door, and her head peeked out. Startled, her brows creased when she saw three women with wide grins on their faces, and each curtsied as she stared at them. They donned the same black fashionable button-down maxi gown and a French straw bonnet was on each head. Momentarily, Janice's eyes travelled to her right as the door leading to a room next to the one she was in opened, and a male servant stepped out. He scurried inside when his face locked on hers, and a blush appeared on his face. Janice peered at herself, she realized she didn't wear the robe she had taken along with her. Rather, it was slung on her shoulder and the material of the nightwear she donned was transparent. She doubted if she would ever be allowed to behave the way she wanted when she married Jules. "I'll be right back." She mumbled, closing the door. Janice strode to the walk-in closet that was situated at the corner of the room close to the four-poster bed, flung it open, and ransacked it for something appropriate to wear. She grinned as she clutched a blue A-shaped gown that reached just below her knees with capped sleeves. It was her favourite, and she was glad they had packed it amongst her clothes. Janice hadn't checked what Jules watchdogs had picked out for her, but she knew she barely had indecent clothes. She combed her messy blonde hair with her hand, and let it down, before applying subtle lipstick to her lips. After she was done, she went back to the door, and this time she saw Jules with the women. "I was wondering what might be taking you so long in there." His eyes twinkled as he stared at her. His lips curved in a smile which Janice finds seductive as he scrutinized her with hooded grey eyes. She flushed, and discreetly, she eyed herself for the umpteenth time to see if she was showing any skin. "I'm fine," she murmured, staring at the floor briefly, then back at the women in front of her. "Well, these are the best Royal Couturiers in Cherview, and they could barely go wrong with a dress," Jules said, introducing each woman. Janice noticed they were French Women from their accent. "He's right, Ma'am." The one whose name was Aimee said. "We are here to give you the perfect wedding dress ever." Juliet, a pudgy brunette with freckles dusting her face gushed. Wedding dress? Janice mused. She had imagined she would do her shopping for herself. She didn't know the Royal family had seamsters that took care of their dresses. "See you later, Madame." Jules winked. Janice rolled her eyes, whilst shaking her head at his retreating back. "Come in," She said whilst opening the door wider. Judith shook her head frantically, "Oh no Ma'am, the queen would be furious if that happened. All clothes sewing and measuring should be done in the fabric room." With the frightened look on her face, Janice wondered if they had offended the queen by going against her order before. "That's right." Amiee agreed, bobbing her head. She let the women lead her to the Fabric room which was seven rooms away from hers. She didn't know anywhere yet, and Jules had promised to give her a tour of the palace earlier. But now, she knew it wouldn't be possible since he seemed quite busy. Since today after the check-up from the doctor, she had seen him just once, which was some minutes ago. Perhaps, she would have to be herself tour guide because she didn't want to burden him with it. Janice was awestruck as soon as she entered the room. She had been in plenty of fabric rooms to know this was top-notched. The materials were stashed on shelves, and each colour was kept next to each other. Possibly, to make it easier to find. She sat down on a stool Julie placed in front of her and glanced at the broad mirror that covered half of the room. Janice stared at her reflection as the seamsters went about their business. She had lost more weight due to her hardly eating. Her eyes looked enormous and teary. Her cheekbones were sharper, and she wrinkled her button nose as she gazed at her lips which were pouty due to constant biting. "Done." The seamsters announced. Janice climbed down from the chair and went back to the room. Jules tapped the pen with him on the table continuously as he thought about what Janice was up to. It was a delight to see she hadn't thrown a tantrum since her arrival yesterday. Jule grinned as he remembered watching her sleep some minutes ago. The black lacy material she donned had revealed more than it should. Nonetheless, he was glad it was for his sight alone. Sighing, he shook his head as he tried to concentrate on what was before him. But, he couldn't since his mind kept drifting to her. He couldn't stop imagining the way she had curved into him last night despite the boundaries she had set with the pillow. He had feigned sleeping so she would relax and get some rest. Jules groaned, shaking his head. His pants felt snug and he glanced down to see he had a hard-on. It had been a long time since he had gotten laid, and he knew Janice wouldn't be too enthusiastic about him touching her. Jules thought about how angry she had been when he mentioned she would be in the bedroom at all times attending to him. He wondered if it was wrong of him to say that to her. But, he knew he wanted her in no other place except in his bed with her head spread out over the pillow and her legs apart while she guided him to her moist entrance. "Ugh!" That woman, he thought, would be the death of him one day.

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