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Chapter 5: Surprise visit

Flowers," Checked. 'Decorations." Checked. Janice listed as she ticked the box in front of each category. Her eyes dimmed and she let out a groan whilst she realized she had been working for a long time without eating. 'I should go on a coffee break soon." She mumbled whilst staring at the pile of unfinished work in front of her. However, she knew it wouldn't be possible anytime soon. Because she needed to finish the paperwork in front of her and she loathed procrastination which was becoming a part of her now. A few seconds into the work, her shoulder drooped, and her hands trembled. The pen she gripped in her hand clattered to the brown mahogany desk and rolled down to the floor. 'I should probably get something to eat now else I would pass out." Janice rubbed her temple as she felt a headache brewing. She nudged the remaining paperwork aside before pushing herself out of the brown leather chair she was in. She undid the button of the black skinny jeans she donned to allow freedom as she felt it gripping her waist too tight. Janice snatched her keys off the table and slipped them inside the brown clutch she often carries about. She slipped her legs into the ballerina flats she had pulled off as it was becoming too tight. She lurched and gripped her chest as she noticed someone in front of the entrance when she unlocked the door. 'You startled me!" She said, glaring up at Jules. "Besides, what are you doing here?" Jules drank in her feature and stared at her longer than it was necessary. He wondered if what Margie had told him was the truth since he didn't notice any difference in her at the wedding, and even now. She looked the same except for the lack of colour in her skin, and her eyes looked a bit weary and he noticed bags underneath each. He was aware he hadn't used protection the night they had met, and that was because there was none available. Moreover, considering the way both of them had felt that day, he believed protection wouldn't have been an option. Perhaps, they would have done the deed before realizing it. He had assumed Janice was on birth control pills and had gone on. Furthermore, it was startling to see he was her first after seeing some dried blood the next morning in the back seat of his car. He had never been with a virgin before, and he didn't know how to treat one. Also, he was glad that it was until the next morning he had seen the blood because he didn't know what he would have done. Again, it had saved him from the awkward feelings that would have emerged that night. Most virgins, he believed, were naive and sort of clingy. It was the last thing he needed. He liked his women to be experienced and have the knowledge that he was only with them for the night and nothing else. 'What are you doing here?" Janice repeated, eyeing him. Yet, he didn't reply. Rather he continued scrutinizing her. Instinctively, Janice's hand went to stroke her belly. She glimpsed him following each movement she made with her hand at the corner of her eyes. Did he know about the baby? She thought. It was unlikely, except Margie had disclosed her secret to her husband who may have, in turn, mentioned it to his brother. 'I'm here to see you," Jules stated. 'Well," Janice began. 'We are close for the day. Perhaps, you should come earlier tomorrow or maybe book an appointment because I might be booked tomorrow as well." Janice said with an ounce of professionalism in her voice. 'I'm not here to plan a freaking wedding," Jules's lips twisted and he grunted. 'Then we can't see. Adios." Janice mumbled. She attempted to walk past him, but he gripped her hand, halting her. And just like before, the force of attraction between them skyrocketed. Janice slipped her tongue out to moisten her lips as her body tingled. She felt her core throbbing, responding to him. 'What do you want?" She inquired, scowling. Even though what she wanted was to have him take her once again inside her office. Sh*t! She mumbled mentally, pushing the strange thought of wanting him aside. 'You are pregnant," Jules said simply. She was aware Margie wouldn't be able to keep the secret to herself. Moreover, she believed Margie hadn't told him directly. Jules might have overheard her when she was saying it to her husband. 'Do I look like I am?" Janice said with a raised brow. 'Don't play dumb with me," Jules said, then continued. 'Who's the father?" A giggle slipped out of her lips as she saw the stern look present on his face. "You are not my father to ask me that." 'Also, you have no right to come into my office asking who the father of my baby is! It's not like I even told you I was pregnant in the first place." 'I heard it from Margie. Also, I know if someone is pregnant." He pointed out. 'Who is the father?" He repeated, gazing at her. 'He or she is fatherless. And it is none of your business." Janice retorted. 'Don't play with me," He grunted, then tightened his grip on her. 'Unhand me, Jules!" Janice noticed how foreign his name sounded as she said it aloud. Yet, she liked the way her body responded. 'Fine." He mumbled, releasing his grip on her. She stroked her wrist and noticed the red slashed on it. 'You should tell me if the baby is mine, so I would take responsibility," He said. Responsibility? Such a big word! It was one of the words Janice loathed. She didn't want any of her children to be the reason any man would take responsibility. Her father had said the same thing to her mother and it was happening again to her. So much for not wanting to go down the path her mother went. 'I'm not pregnant." 'Very well," He said, watching her with narrowed eyes. He knew she was lying, but he didn't want to pressurize her. She looked tired, and as if she would slump anytime soon if he did. Jules watched her take a step forward, then stumbled as he had thought. He caught her before she could slam into the tiled floor. Her head lolled as she slipped into unconsciousness. Startled, he stared at the passed out figure of the woman he had come to confront in his hands. What was he going to do with her? No woman had ever fainted in front of him before except for those women that wanted to fake staying with him for more than a day after their night together. He knew those kinds of women and never wasted his time in trying to see to their wellbeing. Rather, he often instructs one of his bodyguards to see to it. But Janice wasn't faking it. He had seen that she was going to collapse soon as she looked a bit malnourished and exhausted. He placed his hand beneath her throat to feel for a pulse, and he discovered how faint it was. He remembered the first aid class he had taken during college and what had been thought about how to help unconscious people. Jules hoisted her off the floor to the only chair in the office. He laid her gently on the brown sofa, then took her hand whilst rubbing it in an up and down manner. Some seconds later, he saw her lashes flutter against her cheek. Before she opened her eyes. 'I think I'm going to be sick," Janice mumbled. Abruptly, she stood and he watched as she jetted out of the sofa and darted around the small room into a corner. He followed her and watched as she crouched beside the toilet seat, retching. He stepped towards her, lifted her hair away from her pale face, then stroked her back. 'You'll be fine." He mumbled as she kept hurling the content in her stomach. 'I'll be back," Jules said when he saw she was done. 'I hate this feeling." Janice groaned whilst caressing her tummy. She hadn't eaten yet, and the pang in the lower part of her belly became worse. 'Let me drive you home," He stepped in a while later. He saw her reclining on the sofa with her hands covering her face. Janice didn't object like she had the last time he had offered to drive her home. She followed him outside after locking her office. A sigh drifted out of her mouth as she slipped into his sleek Cadillac. "Address." 'Dalton road," Janice mumbled. Her eyes became heavy, then snapped open when Jules tapped her shoulder. 'Thanks." Janice stepped out of the car, then halted as Jules' voice sounded. 'Be ready by noon tomorrow. " 'Why?" She asked. 'I'm taking you to see a doctor," He said. 'Thanks but no thanks," Janice grunted. 'If I want a doctor, I'll find one myself." She pointed out. 'I'm talking about a good doctor and not some roadside quack," Janice narrowed her eyes as she gazed at him. He was pompous and she loathed men like that. 'I don't care. It's my body and I'll go wherever I want." Janice said. 'Not if the baby you are carrying is mine," He grunted. He noticed her protective stance and he wondered what she was thinking of. 'Even if the baby was yours, I'm going nowhere with you." Janice flung back. 'Try me." He rasped. Janice glared as she stared at his cold face for a while before stalking inside the comfort of the house. ###Chapter 6: Doctor's appointment Janice snatched her car key off the brown nightstand and she gripped the handle of her luggage with the other hand. Sighing, she stared at the room she had been staying in for the past five years for a while. It had been a haven for her. Where she had fled to after her first heartbreak. Maggie had gotten the place for her and Janice had fallen in love with it right away. Now, she was leaving where she thought she'd stay for a few more years. Even though it was the last thing she wanted to do, she was aware it was necessary. She exited the door of her apartment and brought the key towards the lock. "Going somewhere?" Startled, she swirled. The key in her hand clattered to the ground and she clutched her chest whilst staring at the man in front of her. "What are you doing here?!" Janice gasped. Her gaze widened more as she glimpsed the black Cadillac, Aston Martin and several other cars surrounding her car. "Today is the appointment to the doctor's office," Jules said. Janice noticed him assessing her with hooded eyes which she oddly found sexy. She looked better the other day he had seen her at the wedding, Jules noted as he scrutinized her. Right now, she looked like she would be knocked away by the wind if it blew too hard as she was too skinny. He wondered if she had been starving herself on purpose. "I'm going nowhere with you." She glowered. He watched as she crouched to snatch her key. His breath hitched as the brown A-shaped skirt she donned rode a little bit higher. He could make out some creamy flash behind the drab clothing. His hands itched to caress her delicate body, as well as his shaft throbbed. He groaned, shaking his head. Alastair willed himself to think of other things since he didn't know how she would react if he decided to touch her now. "A one nightstand is a one nightstand!" Her winter-blue eyes blazed as she jerked her finger towards him. "It was a mistake which shouldn't have happened." "However, I didn't say you could follow me around to order my life." "Moreover, you should know I'm not one of your subjects." Janice snorted. Jules smirked. He liked how feisty she was, and he noticed how gorgeous she looked when she was furious. "I don't care what's going on in that pretty head of yours. Since you are carrying my child. I would do whatever it takes to make him or her come to this world in one piece." As if she would do anything to harm her child, Janice rolled her eyes at his assertion. At first, when she had found out she was pregnant, she had been so conflicted. She had imagined how it would disrupt her life and she had thought of getting rid of it. Janice had gone to the point of getting pills to terminate it. She could remember staring at the pills in her hand, but she couldn't use them no matter how hard she had tried. "I didn't even say the child was yours, to begin with." "It is mine," Jules growled. "Because I'm your first." He watched as pink dotted her pale cheeks and a satisfied smile appeared on his face. She narrowed her eyes at him but didn't say anything. "I won't let you do anything drastic." He grunted. "Going on a vacation isn't drastic." Janice pointed out. "I don't care how you want to make it look nice, I'm not letting you out of my sight." "Well, welcome to sleep on the porch!" Janice said, with a tight-lipped smile. She swirled to unlock the door with the key in her hand, but Jules gripped her shoulder to halt her. "You are coming with me now. I don't care if you protest. I'm dragging you to the doctor's office even if I have to spank you." He grunted. Janice believed she should be angry at the way he was ordering her. But, strangely, she found it sensuous. She licked her lips as he dragged her towards the car. She stumbled midway, but he gripped her hand to stop her from falling. "Easy." He rasped into her ear as he tugged her into him. Janice let out a defeated sigh as she sat in his car. She didn't have much say here since Jules was a powerful man. Moreover, if she had run away, there was a possibility he would find her. He wasn't just a CEO, he was a freaking prince. She was sure he wouldn't hesitate to send his subjects to scour the whole earth for her. Not really for her, but the baby. Janice shook her head as she thought of how protective he was of the baby already. She wondered if he was doing it to ascend the throne since she had heard his father was deceased. Whichever it was, she wouldn't let him take the baby away from her, she vowed. *********** "Congratulations Miss…" The doctor, David, trailed off whilst gazing at the woman in front of him. "Sketches," Janice mumbled. "Congratulations, Miss Sketches, you are pregnant." David grinned. "As if I don't know," Janice muttered. "How far along is she?" Jules inquired, watching the scowl appear on her face. He didn't know if it was wrong of him to ask, but he wanted to be sure he would not father a bastard. "Two months," David said. Jules tilted his head as he did the calculation. He let out a relieved sigh when he realised he had indeed fathered the child. The last thing he wanted was to accept a bastard because he wanted an heir. Still, he believed Janice wasn't a whore and wouldn't push a child that wasn't his on him. "Happy now?" Janice questioned when they stepped out of the doctor's office. "Can I have my keys back, I want to go home." Jules ignored the hand she extended to him, then rolled his eyes. "You are not going to that place anymore." "Why not?" Janice asked. "Because we are getting married as soon as possible." He declared. Stunned, Janice halted. She took a staggering breath as she gazed at him. He didn't look as if he was bluffing. "This is so wrong." She shook her head whilst mumbling under her breath. "No matter how wrong it seems, I'm certain you don't want to end up being a single parent that would eventually abandon her child." "I will never abandon my child!" He shrugged as she glared at him. Though Janice didn't want to end up like her mother who was a single parent, she didn't want to get married to Jules either.

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