Chapter 54

This was the second time Mable knocked Blair out after s*x and ran away. ‘That trashy woman!’ Blair turned cold as he recalled last night’s events. He was boiling with anger! “Solomon, take some men to the airport and railway station!” ‘Mable, you’d better not let me find you, or I’ll break your legs!’ “Understood.” Solomon immediately went to carry out Blair’s order. “Blair, did you make Mabes angry again?” Otherwise, why would she leave without a word? Blair clenched his fists. He was close to serving her as if she was his master. How could he have made her angry?! Tracey was sad when she saw how hurt he looked. “Blair… Is Mabes never coming back?” Blair felt a dull ache in his heart. He knew Mable never wanted to return to Richworth when she first left. If he had not kidnapped Old Master Jefferson halfway and used him to threaten her, she might not have been with him this whole time. Blair had just put his life on the line to save Mable. He thought th

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