Chapter 51

Early the next morning. When Mable woke up, Blair was leaning against the head of the bed while reading a document on his laptop. Seeing she had awoken, he naturally kissed her on the lips. “Good morning, Mabes.” Mable returned to her senses and recalled her kiss with Blair last night, which left her catching her breath. Her face flushed red. “Morning.” Afterward, she hurriedly got out of bed and washed up. Tracey brought them breakfast. After Blair ate, Mable took his pulse and checked his wound again. “Stay in bed for the next two days, and don’t fool around anymore. I’ll give you another drip once I’ve changed your bandage.” Blair studied her and asked, “Mabes, you studied medicine?” If Amos had not brought it up yesterday, he would not have known that it was Mable who operated on him. “Mm. I learned a bit of Chinese and Western medicine,” Mable answered casually. ‘No wonder she’s so skilled at treating wounds. It turns out she studied medicine and is versed in

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