Chapter 38

Before Mable could reject Blair, he directly motioned her into his car. Mable did not refuse this time. She was exhausted and did not have the energy to deal with him. “Hugh, follow his car,” she said to Hugh. Blair’s face darkened. “You want him to stay at my place?” Mable raised her eyebrow. “Do you have a problem with that?” ‘This scum is too problematic!’ Blair’s face tensed up, and he looked extremely reluctant. Mable immediately opened the car door. “Forget it if you don’t want to. We’ll go to a hotel.” Blair slammed the car door shut and said, “Drive!” Amos did not dare waste any time. He hit the accelerator. Twenty minutes later, Mable returned to Blair’s villa and had the maid arrange a guest room for Hugh. After having dinner, Hugh worked out in the yard. Mable had not seen him in three years and wanted to test him, so she changed into sportswear and sparred with him. “Not bad, your speed and strength have improved. That said, you tend to rush your m

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