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Chapter 9 Morning Calls

I woke up the next morning to a few texts. Wessie Boy: Did u get back okay? Why couldn't u have waited for me? Wessie Boy: How did u get back? I was going to drive u Wessie Boy: For the record, u could have made it so much easier instead of turning yourself into a lesbian Wessie Boy: Actually, that's kinda hot to imagine Wessie Boy: Helloooooo let me know if u got home safe!! I laughed as I read through his messages. His concern made me feel warm and fuzzy. At least someone was showing their concern for me. Even if it wasn't my boyfriend. Maybe I was still a little bitter. I decided to call Wes, figuring he'd be up by now considering it was almost noon. "Hello," his hoarse voice spoke through the phone, letting me know he was actually sleeping. His voice was deeper, more raspy, and definitely a whole lot hotter. "Morning sunshine," I grinned. "Looks like someone had a late night." Wes's deep laugh echoed through the phone. "Looks like you have good taste after-all." I chuckled, biting down on my lip as I fought away the pride I felt. I was quite proud of myself for finding Wes a girl he wasn't complaining about. "And you had doubts in me? I'm offended." Wes laughed again. "Of course I didn't. I'll always trust your judgment." He paused for a moment. "You could have let me know you got home safe, Fia. I was worried." My heart swelled. I stuck out my bottom lip in awe, "I'm flattered, Weston. I passed out as soon as I got to the dorms." I could hear some shuffling before his voice sounded again, "You really went all out last night. I wasn't expecting that much of a faux character to be made." "I figured I would show you how dedicated I am," I joked. "How did it go with Rosie anyways? Seems like you liked her." Wes hesitated for a moment. "It was okay." "Just okay?" My eyebrows pulled together. I expected that he would be a little more enthusiastic. But from the way he was sounding, I was a little disappointed. "She was nice. I did like her but..." "But what?" I heaved out a heavy sigh. Wes let out a grumbly noise. "I don't know. There was no... spark. She was so shy she would hardly speak to me." I rolled my eyes. This boy and his lack of patience was astounding. "You need to have more endurance, pretty boy. You can't expect someone to open up to you on your first meeting." "I don't know," he mumbled softly, exhaling a short breath. "I guess I'm looking for a bigger wow factor. Someone I click with instantly, you know?" I pursed my lips for a moment. "I understand that. Are you still going to give her a chance?" Wes paused again. "I don't know, probably not. She was honestly really boring." "That's a bummer," I sighed. But it was almost expected. I didn't think he would roll over so easily. "But hey, we can alw-" I got cut off when another call started coming through. I took my phone away from my ear to see an old picture of Nate and I all cuddled up pop up on my phone screen. My eyebrows pulled together, wondering what the hell he could want from me now? I sighed as I brought the phone back to my ear, knowing I had to figure out this mess with Nate sooner rather than later. "Hey Wes, can I talk you later?" He spoke instantly. "Of course, is that even a question? Is everything okay though?" I could hear a hint of concern in his voice. I forced a laugh, "All good." After saying goodbye and hanging up, I called Nate back quickly. I didn't want him to blame me for his lack of communication. "Hello?" "Hey," Nate exhaled, his voice soft. "How are you?" "I'm fine," I murmured, not sure where the sudden concern in his tone was coming from considering he seemed like he could care less last night. "How was your morning class?" Hell. I had forgotten that I used that excuse to leave the party last night. I forced a smile though he couldn't see me. "It was tiring. Like normal. What are you up to today?" Was there any point explaining I just wanted to leave the party so I used that as an excuse? It's not like he would try to understand me. Nate paused momentarily. "I'm not sure. The boys and I might head out to watch a movie or play pool at the pub." I nodded my head slowly, feeling my chest grow heavy. How was I supposed to react? He seemed against making plans with me. He couldn't give me half an hour of his day to see me, even for a single cup of coffee. Yet he had enough time to hang out with the boys, who he spent literally every single day with. "That's good," I spoke dully. "I hope you have a good time, Nate." I made the annoyance in my tone obvious, hoping he would say something more. Was asking for him to show a little care about me too much? "Right," Nate spoke curtly, not seeming like he wanted to drag this conversation on any longer. Why did he call me in the first place? "Well, I will talk to later, yeah?" "Sure you will," I muttered with a sarcastic smile on my face as I drilled holes into the ceiling with my bitter gaze. "Bye?" Nate mumbled a quiet goodbye and hung up the phone. I groaned loudly, the frustration seeping through my skin as I slammed my phone down on the mattress I was laying on. "Woah," Michelle mused with her eyebrows pulled together in confusion. She walked out of the bathroom, towel drying her wet hair as she looked at me with concern. "Trouble in paradise? Seems like I walked in on a bad time." I rolled my eyes as I hugged a pillow to my chest, a frown engraved on my face. "When is it not a bad time with Nate lately?" Michelle pursed her lips, pausing as she debated her next words. "You could always break up with him, you know?" "I know," I grumbled. "I just don't want to bail on a three year long relationship so easily. It feels wrong to give up. I feel like there's more I could do but I'm a loss for what." Michelle sat down on the edge of her bed, thinking. "Using the history you have together as an excuse to stay in a relationship also doesn't seem right, Fia." I sighed, running a hand down my face. I laid flat on my back, staring at the ceiling in thought. "You're right but I... I can't just walk away, Michelle. I still care deeply about him." Michelle gave me a sad look, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. "I know it's hard but you have to know your worth, Fia. Nate doesn't deserve you." I groaned, swinging my legs over my bed and hopping up. "Whatever, no more thinking about this right now." I had spent too much time letting all of this relationship drama dull me down. Michelle quirked an eyebrow, a smirk forming on her face. "That's my girl. What's the plan?" I turned to look at her, shrugging lightly. "Want to go grab some coffee from the cafe?" "Hell yes," she exhaled as she bounced up to her feet. "Never say no to coffee."

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