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Chapter 12

“BioTrail pays you a higher salary than other people in the same industry because we think you’re smarter. We are not hiring you to gossip.” After Matthew spoke coldly to the employees, he gave Liam an order. “Contact the HR Department and get them fired.” “Yes, Mr. Stevens.” Liam immediately made a call to the HR Department. After he made the call, he followed Matthew to the CEO’s office. Matthew was very angry, and he looked annoyed. He was not a fan of mood swings. A woman was to blame for all of this, and that woman’s name was Maeve. “Liam,” Matthew said in a deep voice. He was frowning. “Yes, Mr. Stevens.” “Do you think she knows that coming to BioTrail will attract criticism? Was she trying to approach me? Did she use her lunch delivery plan as some kind of cover?” Liam made a guess. “I don’t think Mrs. Stevens is that kind of person.” “How long have you known her? How do you know what kind of person she is?” Matthew glanced at Liam, and his tone held a warning. It had only been a few days, and his capable assistant was already defending that woman. He really had underestimated her. Liam immediately explained, “Drivers need to be on standby 24/7. When they are busy, they dare not even drink water, not to mention eating warm food. They are afraid that they might not find a restroom while on the road. “Mrs. Stevens considered the nature of a driver’s schedule. Making sure you have warm food shows the effort she’s putting in.” Liam was a driver. As a staff member, he was qualified to talk about his job. “Are you taking this opportunity to complain about your tiring job?” Matthew snorted coldly. “You know nothing. She is just pretending to be virtuous. When the big bad wolf wants to eat Red Riding Hood, he even needs to pretend to be her grandmother. She will reveal her true colors in time.” When Matthew saw the lunch box in Liam’s hands, he said with contempt, “Didn’t I ask you to throw it away? Why haven’t you gotten rid of it?” Liam quickly said, “You can throw the food away if you don’t want to eat it, but I don’t think we should throw away the container. You still have to bring it home. Otherwise, how are you going to explain it to Mrs. Stevens?” Matthew was not verbose, and he hated explaining. “Women are really annoying!” Matthew looked impatient, but he still said, “Give me the insulated container after work.” “Yes!” …… After Maeve left BioTrail, she cycled to the shop. Her other colleagues had not arrived yet. After waiting for ten minutes, Tiffany Green, another shop assistant, arrived. “Maeve, why are you so early?” Tiffany greeted Maeve while she opened the door. Maeve smiled faintly and said, “I had nothing to do at home, so I thought of coming earlier to organize the inventory. I just started working, so I should work harder. Perhaps I can also become a permanent staff member soon.” Tiffany was a simple and cheerful girl. She said, “You got a big sale on your first day of work, so it won’t be a problem for you to become a permanent staff member. Let’s go. I’ll organize the warehouse with you.” “Okay.” Maeve was not a talkative person. She went to the warehouse with Tiffany and started working. When it was about 11 a.m., a few women walked into the store. They all wore a full face of makeup. “Maeve, I can’t believe it’s really you!” “If Yvonne didn’t post it on Instagram, we wouldn't even know that you were released from jail.” “Exactly. Why didn’t you get a job in Lawson Group after you got released? Why are you selling clothes here?” “Didn’t you know? That year, Mr. Lawson made a will to leave the property and inheritance to her younger brother.” “Oh God! Maeve, are you poor like a stray dog now? No wonder you’re selling clothes here. Any proper company would not hire someone with a criminal record. If you run into any trouble, you can come to me. I’ll talk to my father. Perhaps he can give you a position in our company.” “Yvonne is Mrs. Stevens now. If you go to her, she might be willing to help you too.” They kept talking to get under her skin. Maeve knew them. They were Yvonne’s buddies — Luna Parsons, Amy Burke, and Rhea Welch. As Tiffany listened, she could guess what was going on. It was no wonder that she found Maeve familiar. She wondered how Maeve would deal with this kind of situation. Now, she had seen everything! She did not expect that she, an ordinary person, would be able to watch the daughters of the wealthy families fight. What would Maeve do? Tiffany looked at her in worry. She just saw that Maeve was standing elegantly in place. She seemed like she did not care about their teasing and sarcasm. She smiled indifferently, even though her smile was not sincere. She concealed her emotions before she smiled and welcomed them. “Yes, my life isn’t very good now. Thank you for coming here to support the store. “There are many new designs in the shop. Let me pick a few that are suitable for you. “The quality of our clothes and accessories can stand toe to toe with luxury brands and haute couture, but our prices are more affordable. Based on your financial standings, you can definitely make purchases without hesitation. Yvonne bought a lot here yesterday. She’s Mrs. Stevens now, so she purchases very willingly. You should be doing even better. I can’t even afford to buy any of the bags you’re holding with my annual salary.” Maeve kept telling herself not to get angry. If she got angry, she would lose. They were telling the truth, after all. She was poor now. If she let herself be provoked, it meant that she was punishing herself. She would be ruining her job and turning her back on money. Between ruining her job and earning more commissions, Maeve chose the latter. She had been through those hopeless three years in jail. What was a little mocking and some sarcasm? Even though she was poor now, as long as she kept her eyes open, she would get the chance to give them a taste of their own medicine one day. Maeve took two sets of outfits and asked Tiffany to take two sets for her. “Luna, this outfit suits you. It’s elegant and refined. Amy, this dress is totally made for you. It’s elegant and decent. Rhea, this outfit is perfect for you. It’s bright and attractive. Since you’ve purposely come to support our store, you’ll surely purchase a few more sets. You can match the clothes with the bags and shoes from the same series in our shop.” Maeve called their names like they were old friends while promoting the most expensive clothes in the shop. Since they recklessly mocked her, she would just make them spend more money. She gave all kinds of compliments to flatter them. She personally put on the new shoes for them to try on like a servant. After some time, the three of them spent a total of fifty thousand dollars in the shop. After they paid, Maeve smiled and asked, “Where did you park your car? I’ll help you bring the clothes to the car.” “No need. We can do it ourselves.” They initially wanted to provoke Maeve, but she was very calm. They instantly found her uninteresting. They took a photo and posted it on their Instagram profiles. Then, they took their shopping bags and left in their high heels. Tiffany looked at Maeve in admiration. “Maeve, I really admire you. I was really worried that you would turn against them in anger. I didn’t expect you to keep your calm. You even sold fifty thousand dollars’ worth of clothes! How did you do that? That’s amazing! You should be employee of the month!”

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