I finish my homework fairly quickly but notice hat Charlotte hasn't came back.
I place my stuff on the bed and stand up before stretching my tight limbs.
I decide that I want a snack from the kitchen since I haven't eaten since we've arrived home.
I carefully step over Charlotte's piles of files and make my way towards the stairs. I quickly descend down the stair and towards the kitchen.
I stop outside the kitchen door as I hear voices inside.
I know that eavesdropping is bad but the voices sound eerily familiar.
"Just do it already!" Someone whisper shouts with an annoyed tone
"No" another person whisper shouts back
They sounded like Carolina and Charlotte.
"Why not?!" Carolina whispers with an impatient tone
"It's not the right time, we just got back together and I don't want to scare her away" Charlotte explains with a meaningful tone
Please tell me that she's talking about me.
If not not I'll beat her up.
Well, you know what I mean.
"No offense, but I'm pretty sure sh