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CHAPTER TWO Navigating a New World

In the following days, Lily's life underwent a whirlwind of changes.  Under the gentle mentoring of Alexander and Emily, she started to gain knowledge about Victorian customs, which she had only ever read about in books. She awoke every morning half expecting to find herself back in her grandmother's attic, and each time the corset that awaited her served as a reminder of her new situation. Emily decided to take on the role of Lily's tour guide, assisting her in navigating the intricate layers of Victorian clothing and teaching her manners. One morning while doing Lily's hair, Emily remarked, "Remember, ladies never raise their voices in public, and unless you're very close friends or family, it's considered improper to use a gentleman's first name." She nodded, taking in every detail. Her historian's mind was working overtime to record every little aspect of this era's daily existence. The tea-time customs, the subtle social cues that conveyed everything, and the hushed footsteps of the servants across the house were all at once fascinating and overwhelming. Alexander, in turn, took on the role of protector for Lily. He passed her off to the family servants as a distant American cousin and attributed all of her odd behaviors to cultural differences. Needless to say, Lily was very grateful for his presence of mind and the cover it provided. On one sunny afternoon, while they were walking through the vast gardens of the Harrington estate, Alexander brought up the subject that had been hanging between them. "We're going to have to talk about your situation," he said, low and serious. "Have you thought about how we can do what we can to get you back to your own time?" Lily sighed, her hand trailing over a blooming rose bush. "I've thought of little else," she admitted. "But I'm at a loss. The mirror that brought me here would not have been made at this time, surely, and if it was, how would I... turn it on?" Alexander nodded thoughtfully. "Maybe we ought to talk with this friend of mine, Henry Collins. He's a kind of inventor and has a very intense interest in the more unusual aspects of science. "If anyone might have a clue at all into an aforesaid predicament, then it's him." The mention of an inventor had Lily interested. "That's fine. When will we meet him?" "Going today, I guess I'll send him a letter." "With a bit of good fortune, by the week's end." As they strolled further down the road, Lily found herself gazing at Alexander's profile. She had been acquainted with him for only a very short time, but she had come to appreciate his quickness, his kind character, and the open-mindedness he was proving to show. It was a dangerous line of thought, she knew. To develop feelings for someone in the past could only lead to heartache. The days before Henry's visit were filled with increasing lessons in Victorian propriety and endless discussions with Alexander and Emily about the future. Trying to be careful not to reveal too much, Lily was mortally afraid of changing history, but she couldn't help sharing some wonders of her time. "You mean to say that women may vote? and hold positions of power in government?" Emily asked one evening, her eyes wide with wonder. Lily nodded, smiling at her new friend's enthusiasm. "Yes, though it was a long and hard-fought battle. There's still progress to be made, but women in my time have many more opportunities than they do now." Alexander listened with a mixture of fascination and something else on his face that Lily couldn't define. Was it longing? Regret for a future he would never see? It was a look that ached in her heart, in a way she hadn't quite prepared for. At last, the day arrived for Henry's visit. Lily was pacing about her room nervously, fidgeting with the adjustment of her frock. If this was an inventor who could help, what might it lead to? And more frighteningly, what if it were possible? To leave this world—to leave Alexander and Emily—gave her a desolation she had not foreseen. . A rap on the door jerked her out of her reverie. It was Emily, come to take her down to dinner. "Ready?" she asked brightly, her eyes dancing with excitement. "Henry's just arrived and is bursting with questions for you." Lily took a deep breath, smoothing her skirts one final time. "As ready as I'll ever be," she replied with a nervous smile. They went on through to the dining room, where Alexander was already in a full flood of enthusiastic conversation with a tall, thin man whose hair was wildly gray and whose eyes were bright and inquiring. He spun around as they entered, his eyes going directly to Lily with an intensity that made her take a backward step. "Ah, and this must be the mysterious Miss Thompson!" he exclaimed, rushing forward to shake her hand with enthusiasm bordering on impropriety. "My dear, when Alexander told me of your case, I scarcely credited it. But looking at you now, I can see there's something different about you. Tell me, What year did you say you were from again?" Taken aback by the gentleman's forwardness, Lily blinked. "I. 2024," she stammered out. Henry's eyes went wide, shining bright as a child on Christmas morning. "Extraordinary! Simply extraordinary! My dear, you must tell me everything. The advancements in science, the inventions, the discoveries! Oh, the things we could learn!" Alexander coughed lightly, laying one firm but gentle hand on Henry's shoulder. "Perhaps we should sit down to dinner first, old friend. There will be plenty of time for questions afterward." As they all sat down around the exquisitely set table, Lily couldn't help feeling a mix of both anticipation and apprehension. Of course, Henry Collins obviously had the mind and imagination that might very easily unravel her time-traveling mystery. But looking around at Alexander, Emily, and even the excitable Henry as they took places at the table, she realized with a jolt that a part of her wasn't sure if she wanted to leave. Candles lit with a low flame, and their light danced shadows around the room as the first course was served. Feeling like bracing herself for conversation, Lily took a deep breath. Whatever happened next would set her future, maybe even the course of history. The view of Alexander across the table, with warmth and support in his eyes, made her realize that she wouldn't have to face whatever lay ahead alone. As dinner progressed, Henry became both infectious and exhausting. Between courses, he peppered her with questions about future technologies, his eyes growing wider at every tidbit she cautiously shared. "Wireless communication devices that fit in your pocket? Horseless carriages that go at unimaginable speeds? My dear, it sounds like a world of pure fantasy." Henry exclaimed, his hand waving quite near his wine glass, threatening to topple it over. She couldn't help but smile at his childlike wonder, even as she carefully measured her responses. She knew very well that there were dangers in telling too much about the future. Each answer she gave had the potential to change history in ways she wasn't prepared to foresee. Her eyes returned again and again to Alexander during the meal. He was listening with an attentive ear to the conversation, putting in now-and-then thoughtful questions that showed great intelligence. She liked the way he steered Henry's wilder questions with tact, ever mindful of her. As the dessert course arrived—a delicate lemon tart that did much to make Lily's mouth water—suddenly, she was overcome with homesickness. The familiar flavors and scents of her own time seemed impossibly far away. Yet, looking around the table at these new friends who had so readily accepted her impossible story, she felt a warmth go beyond mere gratitude. Feeling a momentary pang of melancholy wash over Lily, Emily reached across and gently squeezed her hand. "Are you all right?" she whispered back, her green eyes full of concern. Lily nodded and offered up a thin smile. "Yes, thanks. It's only. sort of overwhelming at times." As dinner finally came to an end and they rose to repair to the drawing room for after-dinner drinks, Lily found herself torn. On one hand, she was dying to talk to Henry about how she might get back to her own time. On the other hand, the thought of leaving this world—and these people—behind filled her with an unexpected sense of loss. She was standing beside the fireplace, with the fluttering flames before her and somebody's very loud chatter in her ear. Through all of this, Lily began to realize that her journey through time had turned into something more than just a historical adventure—it was a journey of the heart that would challenge everything she thought she knew about herself and her place within this world.

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