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CHAPTER THREE THE PARTY THIRD PERSON NARRATIVE " Hello mum.." with the phone on one side of her ears she spoke, with the other hand taking a juice out of the fridge. " Hi Alessia. How did the interview go? Did you get it?" An anxious lady's voice asked from the phone. Lowering herself on the couch facing the TV screen in front of her. " Yes mother I did." A smile crept into her face. " Ahh..." The shout came " I knew it. I knew you would get it." " Thanks mom." Turning on the TV. " How is father doing? His he at home?" She asked her mother " You know him, he is fine. Just out with some old buddies of his." She answered " That is good." Taking a sip from her drink. " Send him my greetings mom." Alessia said " Oh! I will dear, take good care of yourself and find a man.... bye." Her mother said " Bye mom. Love you." She said ignoring her mother's last statement. " Love you too darling." Her mother replied And she hung up. Taking the TV remote and scanning through the channels searching for the perfect one. But yet nothing came to mind as part of her thoughts kept drifting back and forth to her new boss. Is this her new found obsession or what? How can one man occupy her thoughts in such a naughty manner! She has to look for a way to get him out of her thoughts before he becomes the very death of her. She have to do everything to avoid thinking about him and flushing his thoughts from her mind. ???????? CATHERINE Catherine woke up from the dull pains all over her body. She tried getting up but, the pains said otherwise. She tried taking a step down from the huge king sized bed that dominated her room. But her legs couldn't carry her weight and so she decided to stop trying and lay back down. Laying on the bed her mind drifted back to who she used to be. She hasn't always been like this; you know!. The pains on her body is nothing compared to the pains in her heart. She remembers quite well like it was yesterday when she signed the contract of becoming his mistress. She was desperate and in need of where to stay. She needed the money and so she had no other choice than to become the property of s��x. HIS property. A tear dropped from her eyes. She will continue to be his until the day he decides to let her go and by the looks of things that day isn't coming any faster. Not minding the pains she got up from the bed and went straight to the washroom. Before he comes to have her again. ????? Demetrius sat in his study in front of his laptop staring with all attention the file on Alessia Christopher. The beautiful picture staring right back at him got him all worked up. How can one person have all these features! He had thought. The files didn't say anything bad just normal and personal stuff. The files calls her "The beauty with brains." Indeed she is beautiful and with brains too and she is very hot and sexy. His attention was dragged back when the door to his study opened with Catherine in a silk gown that revealed all parts of her body. Showing the light pink panties she wore with the bra that covered only the nipples of her breast. " Sorry.. for.. the.. intrusion.. master." she said with the shaky voice. Getting up from his position he walked with those slow and steady step of his which commanded power. " What do you want?" He asked standing a few feet from her. " I would really love to go shopping for some new clothes." Her head bent down staring at nothing in particular. Silence descended. His silence means his thinking hard about the request. " What if he denies me my request? No! He has never deny me anything. So why should this be any different." Turning his back at her, he finally spoke. " You can go. But take Dante with you." He said A smile flushed in her lips. She wanted to plant a kiss on his lips but he was too far away from her. " Thank you master." Taking her leave of absence she closed the door behind her. One week later Alessia has been working for GOLDEN CORP'S for the past one week. For this whole week it hasn't been easy. Seeing him walk with those slow but gentle step of his. In and out of the office her heart flushed each time he walks by her. She always feel something that she has never felt before each time she sees him. " Good morning.!" He greeted the other day and flashed those beautiful sets of white teeth. She couldn't even get her emotions in check. " Good.. morning.. sir.." her voice came out cranky. " You and I will be going for an important meeting." He had told her the day before yesterday. When he called her into this office. She couldn't believe she will be attending one of the biggest meeting of her life as he did put it. Not just attending, but with him. That why she took the luxury to go shopping for some new clothes. She would definitely love to look her best if indeed she wants to be on the best side of her boss. She wants to look so sexy and beautiful and steal all the attentions of everyone most especially her boss in the event. Standing on the large mirror that dominated the space in his room. Taking one last look at himself his lips switched with a smile. This meeting held so much of an importance to him. He has been working so hard to get an appointment with the shareholders for more than a month. And now. Finally he has, all thanks to the help of his new assistant. That lady sure knows how to work wonders and that is why he is taking her with him. " You look really handsome." His mistress with her hands on his waist had said as she planted a kiss on his shoulders. " Thank you Catherine." Taking some steps away from her he picked up his suitcase turned to the door. " I will see you in the next two days." Dropping his case on the floor he covered the space between them. He lifted her chin looked in her eyes with those green eyes of he's " When I get back, be ready for me. Because I will have you all night long." Turning his back and walking towards the door. " Can.. you.. be.. able.. to ... survive?" She had to ask with fear all over her body. But all the same she had to ask. He said nothing, without turning his back or answering the question he walked out the door. If it is one thing though, Catherine is right, can he be able to survive? ???????? Alessia has just finished applying the last touch of foundation on her face when she heard the sound of the car horn outside. Just like he said his driver is here to pick her up. Taking one last look at herself in the mirror she smiled with satisfaction. She was indeed happy with her dressing as he had commanded for her to dress nice. Taking her purse from the bed she walked elegantly to the limo that parked outside. She was surprised when she saw the car but of course he's a multi billionaire so it shouldn't be surprising that he could afford such a car. " Sorry for taking so long." She apologized to the diver. " It is no problem Miss Alessia." The handsome driver had answered. And immediately he ignited the engine heading straight for the party. ????? Two hours later A large crowd gathered outside the hotel men with suits holding hands with their escorts. Women with different kinds of outfits entering into the building it was indeed a party for the rich. Seeing the high class of people Alessia became nervous all of a sudden. She has never attended such a party before not even coming close to being with large crowds. What if she makes a mistake? The anxiety was becoming unbearable for her. Suddenly she felt she could no longer breathe. She was becoming too afraid if it were possible she would tell the driver to turn back and take her home. But like hell it is not happening. Looking from the mirror in the car, the driver saw how nervous the beautiful damsel at the back of the limo was. " I take it, it is your first time?" He asked her immediately he took the turn the chauffeur was directing. " It is showing isn't it?" She asked, in return " Yes it is. And if it is any consolation just see the crowd as people like you and nothing more than you can ever be." Flashing his beautiful set of teeth he smiled. " Thank you. You really helped." She smiled at him ?????? Standing outside the hotel waiting for his assistance to arrive, she was beginning to take longer than she should and he is becoming more impatient. A flute glass of wine in his hand while the other hand situated in his pockets his black short curly hair combed to one side of his face. While his green eyes scanned every limo that parked in front of him. " Demetrius!" A lady in her early thirties to her late 40s called from behind. His attention was drawn to the sound of his name. Turning his back he met with one of his old friends. " Miss Julia." With those elegant smile of his, he returned the greeting. " It has been quite a while. What brings you to the party? Business or pleasure?" She asked placing a feather like kiss on his cheeks. " Trust me it is all business." He smiled The woman in question was about saying something when her attention was drawn to the beautiful young lady who alighted from the limo dressed with a red sleeveless gown that hugged all her curves. Beginning from her breast to her side. Her figure 8 was gladly hugging the dress. Her raven black hair was parked in a bum on top of her head while the rest of the hair fell at her back. With each step she took the more her beauty radiated. " Wow!" Was the only word that escaped her mouth. Taking it as a cue Demetrius turned his back and came face to face with the most beautiful creature he has ever laid eyes on. " I am so sorry sir for being late." Alessia apologized the moment she covered the distance between her boss and a woman who seem not to take her eyes from her. " It is quite alright." Without flushing her a smile. One could practically see the surprise on the woman's face when Alessia covered the distance between them. Without wasting much of the time she stretched out her hands for a proper introduction. " Hi I am Julia, and you must be?" The woman said introducing herself " Oh! Sorry, I am Alessia his assistant." Referring to Demetrius. Julia had known Demetrius for a long time and she knows him to have an eye for good things. As a matter of fact she is one of Carissa's friends so she does know what he is capable of. As a matter of fact she knows about his addiction cause she has witnessed it first hand. Demetrius saw the familiar look in Julia's eyes and he knew what it meant. " Excuse us Julia. We have a meeting to attend to." Taking her hands into his they walked into the building. Leaving Julia in a state of confusion and shock. ... Catherine stood in front of the mirror in the dressing room staring at the sexy night wear she had on. This was actually making it the number four she has tested and it all suits her well. " I bet your husband would really love it." The lady assisting her in the room smiled as she complimented. A flushed of red appeared on her cheeks. If only the lady knew that there's no husband and she doesn't think there ever will be. " Thank you." Was all she could respond. The dresser handled her another of the clothes she requested and took her leave. Staring at herself one more time she smiled again. Indeed she looks beautiful and her master would be pleased. ????? Alessia was having the most difficult time of her life. She felt all eyes on her the moment they walked into the building. Most of the men left their escorts to come make a formal introduction as they put it. She prayed for the night to be over quickly so she could go take a break. But, it seems luck isn't on her side today. Seating beside her boss she could swear she saw him looking at her lustfully and it got her emotions all worked up. god! He doesn't know what his presence alone does to her she wishes the night could go any faster. ????? Demetrius was beginning to get all worked up with his assistant here with him. His body was beginning to react to her dress code tonight. If only she knows how much a tight corner he is right now. Then she wouldn't have wore those clothes. And the night isn't moving any faster. He needs to have s��x or many things could go wrong. But then again the problem is, his mistress is more than 10 miles away from him and he doesn't know how to fight his urges. What will be the fate of him tonight?

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