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Beauty is a beastBeauty is a beast
Oleh: Webfic

Chapter 3 - A Chance Reunion

Jack woke up with a silly grin still plastered on his face. He couldn't shake off the memories of Elsa and their enchanting encounter the night before. As he got ready for work, his mind wandered back to the lake, the moon, and their almost-kiss. Downstairs, his mom and little sister, Lily, were already having breakfast. Jack joined them, trying to contain his excitement. "Morning, sunshine!" his mom said, noticing his cheerful demeanor. "Just had a great night, that's all." Jack replied, trying to sound nonchalant. Lily, aged 8, looked up at him with curious eyes. "Did you meet a girl?" Jack chuckled. "Maybe, little sis. Maybe." His mom raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Do tell." Jack playfully rolled his eyes. "Mom, it's nothing. Just a friend." Lily giggled. "You're blushing, Jack!" Jack's mom smiled. "Well, whatever it is, it's nice to see you so happy. Just be careful, okay?" Jack nodded, feeling a bit grateful for his mom's understanding. "I will, Mom. Promise." Lily chimed in, "Can we meet her? I want to see if she's pretty!" Jack laughed. "Lily, you're too much. Maybe someday, okay?" His mom added, "And maybe Jack will even write a story about her." Jack grinned. "Hey, that's not a bad idea, Mom." As they finished breakfast, Jack's mom handed him a to-go cup. "Don't forget your coffee, Jack. You know how grumpy the cafe regulars get without their morning fix." Jack laughed and took the cup. "Got it, Mom. I'll keep the caffeine flowing." Jack beamed a smile as he made his way out of the house. On his way to the cafe, Jack couldn't help but think about Elsa. He wondered if he'd ever see her again if their paths would cross in this small town. He shook his head, chiding himself for getting too caught up in the romance of it all. As he approached the cafe, he noticed a familiar figure standing outside, gazing at her phone with a look of concentration. Jack's heart skipped a beat. "Elsa?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. The girl looked up, startled and Jack's face flushed with embarrassment as he realized it wasn't Elsa at all. Just a girl with a similar build and hair color. "Oh, sorry," Jack said, feeling his face heat up. "I thought you were someone else." The girl smiled kindly. "No worries, I get it. You were lost in thought." Jack chuckled awkwardly. "Yeah, something like that." He shook his head, still feeling a bit embarrassed, and walked into the cafe. His coworkers, Rachel and Mike, were already prepping for the morning rush. "Hey, Jack! Good morning!"Rachel called out, eyeing him playfully. "You look like you're still in dreamland." Mike chimed in, "Yeah, did you finally get a girlfriend or something?" Jack rolled his eyes good-naturedly. "Shut up, guys. I just didn't get enough coffee yet." Rachel teased, "Aw, Jack's got a crush! Jack's got a crush!" Jack laughed, feeling his embarrassment dissipate. "You guys are the worst." As they bantered back and forth, Jack couldn't help but wonder when he'd see the real Elsa again. But for now, he was happy to be surrounded by his friends and the familiar rhythms of the cafe. Rachel, noticing Jack's far-off gaze, sidled up to him and whispered, "Hey, Jack, what's got you so dreamy-eyed today?" Jack started, feeling a bit caught out. "Just thinking about... stuff," he replied vaguely. Rachel raised an eyebrow. "Stuff, huh? Or maybe someone?" Jack's face grew warm, and he tried to brush it off. "No, no, it's nothing like that." But Rachel just chuckled. "Oh, Jack, you're so transparent. I can tell when you've got a crush. Just go for it, man! Ask her out already!" Mike, who was listening in, chimed in with a teasing grin. "Yeah, Jack, don't be a wimp! You only live once, right?" Jack laughed, feeling a bit embarrassed but also grateful for his friends' good-natured teasing. "You guys are the worst," he said, shaking his head. "But thanks for the advice, I think." Rachel patted him on the back. "Anytime, Jack. Now, let's get back to work before we get slammed with customers." As they returned to their tasks, Jack couldn't help but wonder if his friends were right. Should he take a chance and ask Elsa out? And what if she said no? Ugh, why was this all so complicated?! Just then, the cafe's door swung open and a harried-looking woman rushed in, juggling a briefcase, a purse, and a large coffee cup. "Oh dear, oh dear, I'm so sorry I'm late!" she exclaimed, setting her belongings down on the counter with a clatter. Rachel and Mike exchanged a knowing look, and Rachel stepped forward to take the woman's order. "Don't worry, we're happy to help! What can we get started for you?" As Rachel expertly juggled the woman's complicated coffee order, Jack couldn't help but be drawn into the commotion. He found himself laughing at the woman's frazzled expression and offering a sympathetic smile. "Hey, don't worry, we've all been there," he said, handing her a steaming cup of coffee. "This should help, at least!" The woman smiled gratefully and took a sip, closing her eyes in appreciation. "Ah, thank you so much! You're a lifesaver!" As the woman rushed off to her meeting, Jack felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Maybe this was what he needed – a distraction from his thoughts of Elsa, and work would be just the thing to do that. As the clock struck 5 PM, Jack let out a weary sigh, feeling like he'd been on his feet for hours. Rachel and Mike were already counting down the till and prepping for closing time. "I'm so ready for a nap," Rachel said, yawning. "This day has been a marathon." "Tell me about it," Mike replied, stretching his arms over his head. "I've been running on caffeine fumes all day." Jack nodded in agreement, his eyes glazing over as he stared out the window. "I'm just ready to go home and collapse." Rachel and Mike started chatting about their plans for the evening, but Jack's mind wandered. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was off like he was waiting for something to happen. And then, without warning, the door swung open and a familiar figure walked in. Elsa. Jack's eyes widened in shock as their gazes met, his heart racing like a jackrabbit. Elsa's eyes mirrored his surprise, her eyebrows shooting up in a silent. "Oh my god". Rachel and Mike noticed Jack's reaction and turned to see what had caused it. Their eyes widened in surprise as they took in Elsa's striking features. "Whoa, who is that?"Rachel asked, her voice barely above a whisper. Jack's mouth opened and closed, but no words came out. He was frozen in place, unable to do anything but stare at Elsa. Elsa's eyes never left Jack's face, her expression unreadable. She took another step forward, her movements graceful and deliberate. The air seemed to vibrate with tension as they stood there, locked in a silent stare-down. The only sound was the soft hum of the coffee machines and the faint rustle of Elsa's clothes as she moved closer. Time seemed to freeze, and all that existed was the two of them, suspended in a moment of pure shock and disbelief. Rachel and Mike exchanged a confused glance, sensing the intensity of the moment but not understanding what was happening. And then, everything went silent. The world seemed to hold its breath, waiting for something to happen next. But for now, everything was paused, stuck in this moment of electric tension.

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