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Unwanted LunaUnwanted Luna
autor: Webfic


Shirley had had a rather disturbing dream the night before. She had tried to escape her Pack and was caught by some Palace guards. But as she stared out her small dirtied window, she shrugged off the ill feeling the dream had managed to out in her. She wouldn't let that dream come true. She was way smarter than her dream self, and besides, it was only the dread of getting caught that made her dream so disturbing. Brown determined orbs stare into the darkness of the night from her sorry excuse of a window. Her parents hated her-- that she was sure of. Her father had always wanted a male child but got her instead. It was a devastating revelation for him as he had desired a sin who'd inherit his empire. When he tried to groom her into the son he desired, he realized, to his dismay, how weak she indeed was. She wasn't her mother's pride either, as she wasn't as pretty as she had hoped. Both of her parents were unconventional and beautiful, but she was considered.......plain. Things only worsened when she turned sixteen; her Wolf still wouldn't show. It wasn't expected that one would wait until age sixteen before one got his wolf, but sixteen was the last age to get a wolf. Some kids get theirs at ages as young as ten, some from birth, but there she was, without a wolf. Her mother tried to hold onto the little fate she had left in her daughter until she turned twenty, and she was still as weak and wolf-less as ever. Shirley watched her parents turn their backs on her in disappointment and embarrassment. She had even heard her father deny having a child on several occasions. It hurt beyond repair initially, but Shirley quickly learned to numb the pain. The Pack members mocked her for being inadequate and unable to achieve even the most minor tasks. She never had any friends, as her parents usually pushed their kids away from her as they believed she was cursed. Shirley's life was miserable. She wished several times to fall off a tree and die or be killed by a rogue wolf. But that never happened, as the moon goddess seemed to have a twisted sense of humor. She had considered running away several times but could never bring herself to do so, as she was sure she wouldn't even survive a day in the woods. She could tell that her parents wished she'd one day develop a backbone and run away, and that's why they never bothered looking for her whenever she left the house when things got too tough. Sighing heavily, she decided she had sulked enough in her lifetime. It was time to wear her big girl pants and do what she had planned. Gathering her long black hair in one hand, she ties it up in a tight bond. She quickly threw on ripped jeans and a black top. She had never opted for bright colors, fearing they'd bring her to the open. And besides, it'd be a stupid idea to wear something flashy and catchy. Her parents were rich and noble. She was doing them good by running away. She had thought this through a billion times and was sure it was the right thing to do. She wouldn't wait in here, locked up and abandoned. She'd find her destiny. She was sure she would. Shirley knew the system of her house like the back of her hand. Her father's Butler, Aias, would have already gone to bed as it was way past eleven. As well as everyone else. Shirley packed all her precious belongings in a small bag and secured it around her half-length. She then started to climb down her wall. She had executed the feat many times before, which was no big deal. She had no friends, so she played by herself. Climbing down her window was one of those many adventures for her. She dashed for the woods when her feet touched the cold earth. Her heart was in her throat as she ran unthinkingly through the thick woods, not daring to look back at her parent's house. She was doing them both a lot of good, she told herself. She waited for the feeling of guilt and sadness she believed she'd feel once she finally ran away. But there was nothing: no sadness, no regrets, no fear, just relief. She felt relieved, like a huge burden had been lifted. She ran through the woods like wolves chased her, her feet barely touching the cold earth. The moon shone bright in the sky, awarding her its natural light. If it was the only kind thing the moon goddess had done for her, she was willing to take the kindness. Panting and running through the woods, she slid through the wet grasses, each bracing her legs, reminding her that things would never be the same. Her heart raced so fast that Shirley feared it'd jump out of her chest any moment. Her thoughts were uncoordinated, and her mind seemed to be everywhere and nowhere. She was once sure of this choice, but now she isn't so sure anymore. She didn't even know where she was headed, but she didn't regret running away from a place she was unwelcome at Feeling like she had successfully run far enough from her parent's house to be caught up with, she slowed down and bent over to catch her breath. Who was she kidding, though? There was no way her parents would ever search for her. It was just impossible. Deciding to walk instead, she brought out the map she had stolen from the Pack's library for direction when she felt something wrap around her legs and pull her up into the air. Shirley let out a piercing scream as she hung upside down from a tree. "Well, well, well...." Shirley tried but failed to see who owned the masculine voice." What do we have here?"
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