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Unraveled LoveUnraveled Love
autor: Webfic

6 Decision Are Made

Sarah ran away from home as soon as she got decent. She didn't want to face Eric but she left him a hurriedly scrolled message in the kitchen with a couple of boiled eggs and a blueberry muffin. His favourite. She told him that she had an early meeting and would give him a call later. Actually, she was just embarrassed. After all the rubbish that spewed from her mouth yesterday about wanting space and being confused, she had gone ahead and slept with the poor guy. As if the situation wasn't perplexing enough to begin with. Sighing deeply she swivelled in her chair and faced the glass wall that was protecting the back of her office and looked at the breathtaking view. There was no obstruction and she could see the sea of buildings and traffic down below snaking away, New York with its typical hustle and bustle looked like a perfectly oiled, meticulously functioning machine. She used to think that once she had an office with a view like this, all her problems would be solved. All her worries and anxieties would vanish and she wouldn't want anything else in life. I wish life could be as simple as that… she mutters under her breath. Her phone buzzed and she glanced at the screen to see that it was from Everly. “Hey Sarah. Just wanted to know how everything was coming along. I hope it wasn't too much trouble making all of that happen for Zane. He has peculiar tastes and doesn't take no for an answer.” Everly’s text flashed across her screen and Sarah typed in a quick message. “It was no problem at all. Is there anything else you want me to swap? I am happy to oblige, after all it's your big day.” Everly had become a friend in the past few weeks that they had interacted. Her fiance-to-be was a busy man and had to fly to Switzerland and London for his meetings with clients often. He had pretty much given the reins to Everly to plan the engagement and then the wedding with Sarah’s company ‘Pristine Events’. It wasn't a bad thing that he managed music bands otherwise the Gothic look wouldn't have been just anyone’s cup of tea. “Thanks, darling. I think we're good. I am so excited to see everything I planned taking shape and come to life on my engagement day. I like the pics you have shared so far. Still waiting for the DJ’s list for heavy metal songs though…” Everly sends another text and Sarah goes over the rest of the arrangements with her for a few minutes. Then bidding her farewell she concentrates on a few other projects her company is handling and then it's time for lunch. Her mind goes back to the night before as soon as she's free and a flush creeps up on her face. She couldn't lie to herself and say that she didn't enjoy herself. It was amazing, as always, with Eric. He knew what he was doing in bed and she more than appreciated him at that moment. What is WRONG with me? Why can't I just be normal and feel satisfied like other women? Why do I always have to crave more than what I had? She put her face in her hands and breathed heavily. The truth was, Eric did deserve better than her. He was perfect in every way and any sane woman would have been counting her blessings and ecstatic at her situation but no, not Miss Sarah bloody Stone. She considered herself too good for him. In fact, He was too good for Her. What's more, my family loves him too! She was actually upset with herself and decided to put all these stupid ideas out of her head once and for all. She lifted her head, a newfound resolve forming in her mind. She wasn't going to throw away what God had just handed her on a silver platter. Eric was gorgeous, loving, caring and almost perfect. She wasn't going to turn him away. She will put her silly notions aside and just give this relationship her all. She will not act like an ungrateful, spoiled person and be thankful for what she had. Eric was her boyfriend and hopefully, soon-to-be fiance considering the fact that her dad just put the words to propose in his mouth and he didn't flinch or look uncomfortable at all. That only means one thing, he was thinking about it too. Until I had to open my big mouth and ruin everything. She admonished herself. Tonight she would cook for Eric, she was a decent cook and Eric somehow liked everything she made for him so, she would make an effort to show him that she was over whatever mental breakdown she was going through and their relationship was back on track. Her phone rang and she answered it quickly. “Michael! How are you? How did you like your presents?” she asked him playfully. She had gotten him a jacket he'd been eyeing for a while from a popular brand and Eric had gotten him a belt from the same place. It was ridiculously pricey but she could afford it now and nothing gave her more pleasure than spending on her family. “Hey, I am fine, big sister, how're you doing? The presents were phenomenal, why did you buy such an expensive jacket? You shouldn't have!” He answered all her questions in one sentence and then took a long pause to catch his breath. “Hey! Hold your horses, my guy. It was my pleasure, really. Don't worry about it. Okay? Now tell me, to what do I owe the pleasure?” she chuckled. “Ummm actually I wanted to talk to Eric but his phone is going straight to Voicemail.” he replied sheepishly. “Eric? What for?” Sarah questioned. “Actually, he had offered to help me with my college applications and essays and I was wondering if he had time to do that over the weekend.” he responded. What? That's so sweet. She thought, surprised. “Yes, of course. I will talk to him once I get back home. I am at the office right now but will be leaving shortly. But Michelle doesn't need help?” she inquired about her sister. “I’m sure she does but she's too shy to ask him. I actually want to apply to the same college that Eric went to so that's why I approached him but he's a really nice guy and went the extra mile to discuss my choices and interests. Michelle will benefit from what I learn too but her interests are different.” he gave his reply honestly. “Well you could've asked me. I can help too,” she said. “You were a valedictorian Sarah. Your options were endless. You got a full ride scholarship to all the schools you applied to. Some of us are average students here so I can't get that knowledge from you, superstar.” he laughed. “Oh come on!” Sarah laughed with him. They chatted for a few more minutes and hung up. Sarah left her office early and picked up a good wine on her way home. She felt like she had to make up to Eric in some way and a home-cooked meal was one way to do it. She suddenly felt nervous as she opened her door and called his name but there was no answer. “Eric?” she called again. And then she saw the note on the table with a vase on top. She quickly snatched it up and scanned it and her world started tumbling around her instantly. She plopped on the sofa and put her head into her hands. The words in the note instantly etched into her mind. “Hi baby, I am giving you the space you need Sarah. In my opinion we both need to think about ourselves and this relationship but it cannot happen unless we step away from each other for a while. Please know that I hate every minute of this time that we will spend away from one another but I think it's for the best. I don't want you to feel pressured by my presence. Once you're sure of where we stand as a couple, please give me a call and I'll be by your side. I love you. Eric.”

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