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Rohan's POV He kept looking at the spot Melissa and Kenneth stood, watching her talk with him was bothering him because he looked crestfallen and I felt so sorry for him. "You know what, forget about her. There are a lot of girls in school that would love to go out with you, pick any of them" I advised him "No man, I liked Melissa, I felt she like she got me. I don't think I can find anyone like her" he said still looking crestfallen. "Come on man, you can't possibly think that, she didn't get you because she doesn't even know who you are or what you are, don't you think you are overselling her?" I asked him 'I am done with girls, for now, I rather wait for my mate, whoever she is," he said with a finality in his voice. I looked over to Camilla and signaled her to help me out here but she ignored me as usual. 'I thought she was the one and now I will never find someone that can...".he trailed off staring at the door... "Whoa!!!" He exclaimed. Camilla and I looked towards the door to see what caught his attention and right there stood the most beautiful girl I have ever seen, everybody seemed to agree with me since they were all staring at her, she walked towards the barista to make her order, all eyes including mine followed her movements, she took her time walking oblivious to the attention she was garnering. Her steps were measured and gentle, her hips swayed with every step she took, the confidence in her walk was amazing. Walking without tripping even when you have eyes on you. Her flawless skin was like milk, it glistened with a glow that made her features look like that of an angel, her hair was long, black, and shiny like a horse's mane, and it was tempting to touch. Her body was like a siren, it called to me, it was an hourglass shape that screamed vixen to everybody like she knew I was thinking about her she turned after giving her order, her eyes were her best feature, it was gray and piercing like steel, her eyes scanned the room before landing on mine, she let out a smile in my direction. Something awakened in me, we maintained eye contact and it was like she called out to my wolf because he suddenly wanted to come out, I tuned in to my senses and her scent hit my nose, it was both enticing and appealing to my wolf and I, Ragnar was screaming in my head to let him out, I was fighting my wolf inside a coffee shop. My wolf was aggressive by nature but he has never wanted to break the number one rule of a shapeshifter, he knew what will happen if we shift here but he didn't care right now. Camilla sensed my struggle and held my hand, our bond always helped to calm my wolf. "You okay," she asked with concern written all over her face. I could only shake my head at her, my wolf was pacing in my head chanting the word "mate, mate, mate". 'Mate" my wolf finally settled into whispering in my head. "What? She is my mate?" A human cannot be my mate. "Claim mate" Ragnar kept saying "We can't do that," I tried calming him 'If you won't claim her, then let me do it," he said against our bond. I was still trying to make sense of the whole thing when Ben called "dibs" I let out a growl which caught Camilla and Ben by surprise, I am never this aggressive about a girl... "Dude, what is wrong with you?" Ben asked in alarm Both he and Camilla were looking at me in shock because I was always the calm one and I didn't care about any girl Ben set his eyes on, I surprised myself too, I was already possessive of a girl I just met and I have not spoken to before. I wanted to cover her so she would be safe from all those looking at her, a side of me I never knew I had was beginning to reveal itself because I wanted to choke my best friend out for calling dibs on my girl like she was a piece of property. Well news flash, she is mine!!! I needed to calm down before I shifted right here because my wolf did not care that we are in public. Camilla was sending me questioning looks from across the table, I couldn't tell her that I have found my mate and she is human, she will freak so I sent her a nod indicating that I was fine, she frowned but otherwise kept mute. I owed them an explanation for my weird behavior, I realized that I haven't answered Ben's question yet so I reassured my wolf that I would make a move to which he allowed me to take the reins. I just lied to my wolf, I had no intention to approach her but I needed to calm him down which worked. I turned to Ben who still looked at me expectantly, "Yeah, I am okay. Just lost control for a moment" I assured him. "Oh okay, you were quiet for a long time," he said in masked concern I glanced back to where the new girl stood a while ago but she was gone, I guess I was in my head a long time. "Let's order up some food" I suggested to them I wanted to distract them from what just happened and to prevent Ben from asking a lot of questions, he wouldn't let it go and I was already at the edge, didn't want to topple over. My phone indicated I had a new message and I opened it to see a text from Camilla that read, "I know she is your mate but you are scared because she is human but we need to talk, ASAP!!!" This couldn't be good, I was freaking out again, Camilla writing in all caps meant there was fire and it needed to be put out immediately, I didn't know what to tell her about this human. I have been dreaming of meeting my mate ever since I learned about it in werewolf history class, it was supposed to be magical meeting a strong wolf such as myself. Rejection was not an option because it would hurt me more than her because of our nature. I had to figure out a plan to make it work, having a human mate was frowned upon in our world, and being a warrior was the most important to me. Maybe Camilla could help me. I sent her a sure and called for our waiter. I ordered some food and fries, Camilla ordered iced tea, and Ben, well Ben ordered a whole dinner tray for himself, I swear that boy eats more than a village. We ate and talked about how dramatic people in our school were, we were laughing so hard when Ben was pretending to be the school principal, at least he wasn't sad about Melissa anymore. I am glad he finally got rid of her, we just didn't like her, barely tolerated her because we didn't want to upset ben. The events of the day went by quickly and before we knew it we were driving back to the pack, I was alone with Camilla in my car because Ben found some chick that invited him back to her place so she is riding with me, it was silent in the car for a couple of hours because neither of us had an idea on how to approach the topic, so I decided to get it over with. "So, what did you want to talk about?" I prompted Camilla She shuffled for some time before deciding to rip the Band-Aid off... "I found my mate a week ago" she announced The car swerved because I was shocked, she found her mate and didn't think to tell me? I wasn't overprotective of my sister because she is a wolf and she has proven to me countless times that she could look out for herself, but this was different, we usually tell each other everything, including the awkward parts, that is how close we are. I wanted to shout and scold her, but I decided to go a different way, "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked calmly "Because he is human and I was so scared of telling anyone," she said I understood how she felt because right now, I am feeling the same way about having a human as my mate. She continued when I didn't say a word" so when I saw yours was human too, I figured now would be the best time to say something ". I wanted to laugh at how shocking this whole thing has been but I knew it wouldn't help at the moment, I opted for a more calming response. 'It's okay, I know how you feel, I never for once thought of a human being my mate and I have dreamt about this moment a lot" she smiled as I said this. "How do we go about this?" She asked me. My problems could wait, my baby sister needed me and I wasn't going to be selfish because I had girl problems, I squeezed her hand and reassured her that we would figure out a way to break it to our parents. It was a risky move but we couldn't be without our mate so that wasn't an option. We drove the remaining time in silence each of us in deep thoughts about how we were going to handle all of this. I got to the packhouse and packed my car, quickly telling Camilla to hold off on telling our parents till we did more research on many past issues like this, she nodded and headed in the direction of our house. As for werewolves, the elders were given a house to live with their children while the packhouse was for those under 16, it was built to house and oversee their activity and once you pass eighteen and have undergone basic training, you will move into your parents' home. So we walked down to our house greeting anybody we came across, I hated lying to my parents, they would be so happy and disappointed in both of us. I sighed hating how this moment have brought pain instead of joy, why couldn't I have found the perfect wolf suitable for me. My emotions were rising rapidly and I didn't like it, we were almost home and I need to run so badly, we reached the porch and I told Camila that I was going for a run. 'go on in, I am going for a run" I moved off the porch walking in the direction of the woods, every house had one so we can run around freely in wolf form. "Wait for me, I wouldn't mind going for a run too," she said coming off the porch too. I snickered to myself knowing she was scared of facing our parents alone, they had the knack of sensing when something is wrong and they would not let up till they knew every single thing which would lead to a series of disasters and one is enough for the night. "Shut up" she grumbled. Going behind a tree to shift. I focused on holding my wolf back so he doesn't go running around and searching for her, if he had his way he would go ahead and claim her tonight, he has not stopped nagging me to go to her and I was getting exhausted from all the back and forth we were doing in my head.

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