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The Story Of UsThe Story Of Us
autor: Webfic

chapter Two: Wearous High School WHS.

I woke up very early the next day, thanks to the small alarm I met by my bed-side. Ready for school... My new school, Wearous High School.. I took deep breath. Okay, Do I need to introduce myself? Nah, I already did that yesterday. I still don't believe I could sleep all alone in this pretty room.. At Aunt.Bridget's place, my mom and I shared a room. But now everything is so fast and unusual. Things aren't just moving the way I want it to. I halt the alarm which won't stop ringing if I don't, I wore my slippers and staggard to bathroom as if I were drunk. * The school uniform was Whao! , what else do you expect? It's expensive too yet mom got it for me. I had to put it on anyway since there aren't other options than to do what she wants. The only problem I think I'm worried about is the new school itself and my new classmates. They sure will all be from a wealthy home and they might not want me in their midst whereas I love to make friends not withstanding their background. * I came out from my room, dressed and of course looking like a student of Wearous High School. Mom already set the table with slices of bread and tea. "Good morning mom" I greeted perfunctorily and she came over to hug me and peck me on both cheeks. "Morning darling and Wow you are looking so stunning in that uniform, you're now a unified student of.. " "Oh Mom please! " I interrupted then went to have a seat. "You know what Audrey, Wearous High is on fire to have a very beautiful girl amidst them" Mom flattered me. "And also the poorest girl too" I pouted. "Don't say that again" Mom shunned me, somehow angry with what I said. I ate two slices of bread and drank the full cup of tea well-sure that not even a little dropped on my uniform. "So it's a restaurant" My Mom just suddenly said. "What are you taking about? " I asked. "Your new working place" Oh, I almost forgot, the after school job. I frowned. "I talked to the manager, the pay is quite good and guess what? they pay daily" My Mom said. "Let's not talk about the pay yet. Mom you said I'll be working at a restaurant, you know what that means? There would be lot of customers there" I told her. "Why not, it's the most popular eatery" I placed my both hands above my fore-head.. Arrgh, the whole thing is giving me headache. "Mom, there would be a lot of customers" I repeated "And some of the male customers may be flirty...You called me a very beautiful girl didn't you? So when flirty guys sees a beautiful girl, what do you expect? " "Audrey, do you know what I went through before I got you this huge paying job? " "Are you trying to tell me to give it to them? " "No and why would I? Not after what your father did to me" Mom said frowning. I hate when she talks about Dad. "You know what to do dear, Ignore them okay? " My mom said. I looked at the small wall clock. Oh my God! I woke up very early, how did I spend so much time already. "I'm already late" I almost shouted. "On my first day of school" I added as I stood up and quickly took my schoolbag and hung it on my back. "Take care baby" My mom gave me a peck on the cheek and I walked hastily out of the house. Even the cab driver would be surprised..why I'm just going to school by this time. * * * Wearous High School I climbed the stairs following all guides and instructions scribbled on the walls and doors. ...Soon I found my new classroom and there was a teacher in there-teaching. I sighed first before I walked in. "I'm a transferred student" I said to the teacher when he kept gazing at me with a what-do-you-want look. "Oh, welcome. Hey class.. Meet..." He paused since he doesn't know my name. "Audrey Kathleen" I told him. Kathleen is my mom's name. "Introduce yourself" He said. I walked forward "Hey everyone, my name is Audrey" I repeated. OK, the word shy is not in my dictionary. I'm so bold and- friendly. But as if they already knew my identity as a poor girl, only few replied back with "Hi" "There" The teacher, whom I'm yet to know his name pointed at the back, the last seat. "It's an empty seat, get a seat and I hope you'll get along soon with your new classmates" He said. Hm! I hope so too. "Hell noo" I can't believe some girls actually shouted at me. I exhaled, ignoring them while I went to have my seat-comfortably. ** "Hi" I said to my seatmate who happens to be a guy, drowned with handsomeness. I love to make friends remember? The handsome guy looked down to my hand which I offered for an handshake, then shook his head in negation and he looked away. "I'm Audrey" Oh, I already introduced myself. "It's nice to meet you, what's your name? " I asked him but he gave me deaf ears. Why am I bothering myself to make friends with him? * The class came to an end quite soon and I overheard the students saying the next teacher is busy and he or she won't be coming to class. At this point, I'm beginning to miss my former school. If there wasn't a teacher in the class, someone would come out and read out romantic poems and rhythms and those with no lover would pretend to be in love.. It was fun but here, .... One, two, three, why are these girls all gathered here in front of me? with some sort of look, angry looks! Why? What have I done to them? Why are they upset with me and who are they? Two with a red and pink blond hair, another with a black ponytail.. "Ah..Hi H...Hi" I stammered. "Huh, Hi? " The one with a red blond hair said. "Do you want something from me? " I asked and three of them bursted into laughter as if I just preformed a comedy or cracked a joke. "Did you hear her? She just asked if we want something from her" The one with a pink hair said and they laughed again. Ok "What's funny? " I managed to ask. "What can a worthless girl like you give to us? " The black haired girl said. "Well, you are sitting close to my Simon" The one with the red hair said. Looks like, she's the boss. "Your Simon? " I muttered. "Oh, the teacher told me to sit here" I said courageously. "Hey, are you blind? this isn't the only blank seat here okay? " She said, she sounded angry. This isn't her seat too, I snubbed them and turned to the Mr handsome sitting beside me. He didn't even say anything to those ladies that are trying to attack me. "Your name is Simon?" I said to him. Lo, he stood up and hit his desk sharply with his hand then looked at me and said to me.. "Find somewhere else to sit, I don't relate with people from the slums" Then he walked away. Slums! How did he know that I'm poor? How could he tell so easily that I'm not the same as them? Those were the first words I heard from the first student I wanted to be friends with here. Find-somewhere-else-to-sit-I-don't-relate-with-people-from-the-slums! How rude! "Look at her shoes, I'm sure she bought it from the market of ancient" One of the girls said. "And her hair, so rough and shabbish" "She looks weird" They all said and hurried to meet up with the Simon-handsome-but rude guy. I don't belong here, I don't. This is all mom's fault. Oh no! "Hey Audrey.... Right? " Someone called. I fought back the wanting-to-drop tears.. Wait, was I gonna cry? "Hi" I looked up to him Him? Why is it another him? "I'm Kyle" He said. "You know my name" I replied back sheepishly. "Yeah Audrey, and you are a newbie" "Yeah" I said turning away from him. Staying away from anymore trouble. "I saw what just happened and you are still sitting here" He said. "Yes? " "Are you out of your mind? Those girls or even the guy could harm you when they return and still sees you sitting here. And well, I don't have a seatmate if you don't mind" He said pointing to his seat which was at the centre of the class. "And then, some girls would come here too and yell at me again right? " I said adamantly. "I'm not leaving this place" I added. "Hey you are a newbie.There is much you don't know, I really need to enlighten you" He pulled me by arm to his seat and made me sit next to him. "Be my seat partner" He said. I rolled my eyes. Well, I'm glad someone is trying to make friends with me. "Simon is a very popular guy" He resumed. "So? " I shrugged. "That's why he is so pompous and rude ? and so many girls drool over him" The Kyle guy said. I gave another eye roll "That's a lame reason, you said the guy is so arrogant ..how would some stupid girls drool over such attitude? ugh! " "Well, as you already know this school is filled with rich students. Simon is the wealthiest, his father own all the wealth" "An over-statement obviously" I scorned. "How stupid of you, boasting about someone else's wealth" I said and he frowned and turned away.. That's because I called him stupid. "I'm sorry" I quickly apologized. I'm still new here, I know I'm so brave but I shouldn't start stepping on people's nerves yet. Besides, in a class of 20 students I think...He is the only one willing to talk to me. "I'm sorry" I repeated softly. He smiled and turned to me not reluctantly. I love this kinda guy.. Oh, I almost forgot to tell you.. I'm a kind of girl with multiple crushes. Lol. "But, what the hell, he is just a student not a celebrity or something and you're telling me he is famous? " "He is the talk of the internet, you sure have a cell phone don't you? His father is very prosperous, would you believe if I tell you he built this school and he owns so many buildings here in Wearous estate even in other estates? " Kyle rushed all words. "It's okay; like I don't wanna hear more because I don't care" I said "The key part about the guy is he lacks good manners and you are pretending not to be his friend" "Never! " He exclaimed "Well, Whatever" I said and he looked at me with keen interest and he smiled. "Uhm? " "You are different from other girls, you are not crazy or so happy about the fact that I said Simon is the richest guy in the school" He said. "Oh.. Nonsense, why would I? " "You know.. Most girls are after Simon because of his money. That's what 99.5% of girls do.. When a guy has a lot of money, they stick to you more than a glue" He expatiated. These words hit me so hard, it's the same mistake my mom made and unfortunately, the guy jilted her _ my supposed father. "I hope my instinct about you is right. I dislike Simon and it would hurt me if I find out that you are one of those girls that wants him" He said. Ok, please can someone bail me out from this talkative and inquisitive guy here? ******** ****

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